View Full Version : fizzy drinks/sugar is it a trigger?does a healthier life style help?

05-06-11, 19:38
Hi please forgive me if im posting in the wrong place, im new here:blush:...(I recently started PAs again after 12 years without)
Ive heard that fizzy sugary drinks can "bring on" a panic attack , does anyone know if this is true or not??? im trying to sort my health out as i seemed to have fewer panic attacks when i was a healthier weight..would be interested in finding out if a healthier lifestyle can help combat anxiety at all...thank you.

05-06-11, 21:53
Hi there. I definitely notice an increase in my anxiety if I have eaten / drunk sugary things. Even worse for me is caffeine. I have so much as a cup of tea and it triggers a panic attack. I feel better for keeping my fruit and veg intake up.

08-06-11, 02:34
I've noticed this, and now try to avoid having too much caffeine and sugar. The other advantages are that making an effort to eat healthily makes you feel good about yourself, and can get you immersed into cooking.

paula lynne
08-06-11, 09:42
Sugar can lead to an increase in adrenaline, which in turn can lead to raised anxiety levels. Also, aspartamine (the reduced calorie stuff) had proven links to panic attacks. Best thing to do is get your sugar fix with natural sugars found in really sweet fruit, try mango, pineapple and tangerines. :)

08-06-11, 10:04
Thanks all that really does help...thanks:)

evil monkey
08-06-11, 10:55
a regular fizzy drink is like giving your body a short sharp turbo boost of sugar/energy, so could have an effect

fructose sugar in fruit is good, also fruit has fibre, which slows down absorption into the body, giving you a 'hill' shaped energy release rather than a spike

coca cola is just a nuts energy spike whichever way you look at it. quick google on effects of cola will give all sorts of interesting things from having a sugar/caffeine hit