View Full Version : Okay, this seems more likely...

05-06-11, 20:41
I was just googling high metabolic rate, which I know I have, to put my mind at ease about this whole HIV thing.

And check out these symptoms:

Nervousness, restlessness.
Trembling hands.
Rapid heartbeat.
Feelings of excessive warmth and intolerance of heat.
Hot, sweaty skin.
Weight loss despite increased appetite.
Severe general tiredness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/../../health_advice/facts/fatigue.htm).
Muscle pains and muscle tiredness.
Frequent loose stools (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/../../diseases/facts/diarrhoea.htm).
Disturbances of menstruation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/../../health_advice/facts/irregularperiods.htm).
Seeing as I find it impossible, and always have done, to gain much weight even though I eat lots, and i've always been slim. My dad has a high metabolic rate as well.

This has helped me a bit.

This would be more likely, do you think?

05-06-11, 20:54
Wow do you really feel too warm and get hot sweaty skin? I thought skinny people felt the cold more. I always feel cold when everyone els is hot.
You took a risk googling again didn't you, but it looks like you found good answers and your symptoms probably are due to the high metabolism mixed with your anxiety too.:)

05-06-11, 20:58
A get hot sometimes, but I also feel the cold real badly. It runs in our family a bit too. Yeah I really need to stay away from google. But at least for once, it's something i'm not worried about, as it can't really cause me any harm. Just an inability to gain weight.

I hope that everything is okay.