View Full Version : The old 'blurry vision' routine...

21-04-06, 19:45
Hello all,

One symptom I seem to keep getting is blurry vision. I don't have to be feeling really panicy to get it, either. It seems to come on for days at a time, even when I'm not feeling particularly stressed (maybe a bit, but not thinking too much about it). My distance vision isn't that great at the best of times, but it's usually never anywhere near as bad as when I get a blurry attack.

I'm not so bad today, but the last couple of days I've been feeling a bit spacy and had blurriness. It seems to have replaced some of my old symptoms (for example chest pain) which also used to come on even when I wasn't panicing about anything.

I have to admit I worry about everything, though - health anxieties are at the forefront at the moment because I've had a very uncomfortable knee thing happening for a few months and I keep worrying about that. The idea of going to the doctors at the moment doesn't exactly appeal, either. :)

I tend to feel really irritable when the blurry thing happens and end up worrying about being grumpy with my poor wifey, who really is very patient I have to say.

Cheers, B

22-04-06, 06:18
Hi B,

Sorry to hear about your blurred vision. Are you on any medication that could cause this as a side effect? If not it maybe would be worth getting it checked out?

I hate going to the doctors as well and really stress over it, so I'm with you there.

Take care

Coni X