View Full Version : Germany

06-06-11, 09:53
I have just returned from a four day trip to Germany with the choir. Our town is twinned with Backnang in Germany. They originally had a 'Marconi' factroy there and still have names on bridges which relate to us here. A year ago this trip would have been unthinkable. I have put myself in situations which I could hardy have dreamed of. I have just spent seventeen hours in a coach. It wasn't easy as we endured a twenty mile traffic jam. Someone put on a 'Peter Sellers' Pink Panther film. We were in Germany to sing with the 'Backnang Kantorei. After this they entertained us (forty of us) to home made food, singing, wine and laughter. The following day we sang in a Church in a much smaller village and then took over a local hotel for pizza and more wine. I have coped with extensive delays, the tiny claustrophobic toilet on the coach. We were unable to stop for lunch on the way home so I did get very shaky (from the lithium) When we stopped I bought plenty of water and juice and a sandwich and I was fine. I took my meds in my hand luggage as we were on the ferry but I should have taken a 'pill saver' as my mirtazapine got separated from the rest of my meds.It was found in another bag. I did have to explain to people why I was on so many meds. The time difference confused me on the first evening but if you stick to German time or GMT you should be ok. It was very warm in Southern Germany between 25c and 30c all the time I was there. I did't drink enough water so I was a bit wobbly and shaky from my meds. That is something to bear in mind if you are on meds and in a hot country. I drank very little alcohol as I felt drunk very quickly again it could have become dangerous and the lithium levels in the blood toxic. Next time I go abroad I will take my lithium card in case I become ill. I wasn't ill and our group chose to avoid salads even though the outbreaks of e coil have been in Northern Germany. I had a truly faboulous time. I experienced anxiey about the trip and about socialising with the other members of the group. They were all lovely. The music was wonderful as we took our own conductor, organist and two of the male singers from our own cathedral. We 'gelled' as a group and included the 'lone' travellers and made them feel part of the group. The long hours on the coach I spent dozing and reading and listening to music. The scenery was fabulous as we travelled through the Mosel and Rhine wine producing areas on the autobahns. The only real problems I had were making sure I was hydrated and working out when the best time would be to take my meds. The trip was a true testament to 'feel the fear and do it anyway'. I will go back to Germany. It is beautiful and I contemplate more trips in the future. I''m looking at travelling to Italy to near Lucca for a Cookery course. The anxiety was there, I coped and thoroughly enjoyed myself. EJ.

06-06-11, 12:27
Great to read EJ, you have really achieved a lot with this trip, a well deserved pat on the back and a tasty salad at home I think for you!

Well done again and thanks for sharing, congratulations x

Hazel B
06-06-11, 13:57
Well done!:)

07-06-11, 14:42
Hi EJ,

Thats great news!! Well done to you...you must be so proud of yourself. So glad you were able to enjoy yourself!! Onwards and upwards.....


07-06-11, 15:28
So glad you enjoyed your holiday in Germany. Very brave indeed.:yesyes:
"WELL DONE" on coping with everything,and what a lovely experience1!!
I believe it is a very clean country.
I hope you managed to eat the food provided.
Lots of Love:hugs:

07-06-11, 22:39
Hi Magic. The slaughterhouse platter exceeded expectations. Arrgh. The restaurant was part of a vineyard selling fantastic wines. I had a plate of fried potatoes and cheese and garlic bread. I had more problems keeping up muy fluid intake owing to the hot weather 25c and lithium toxicity. I couldn't enjoy much wine. I had the confidence to 'go for it' inspite of anxiety nearly stopping me in my tracks. Having lot of distraction on the coach helped in the form of ipod, kindle, snacks and zzzs. I didn't have enough water and as I posted earlier coped with the claustrophobic loo. I would not lock the door. It can be done if you want to reach for your goals with a bit of foward planning it can be done. Go for it. EJxx

07-06-11, 22:40
Hi Magic. The slaughterhouse platter exceeded expectations. Arrgh. The restaurant was part of a vineyard selling fantastic wines. I had a plate of fried potatoes and cheese and garlic bread. I had more problems keeping up my fluid intake owing to the hot weather 25c and lithium toxicity. I couldn't enjoy much wine. I had the confidence to 'go for it' inspite of anxiety nearly stopping me in my tracks. Having lot of distraction on the coach helped in the form of ipod, kindle, snacks and zzzs. I didn't have enough water and as I posted earlier coped with the claustrophobic loo. I would not lock the door. It can be done if you want to reach for your goals with a bit of foward planning it can be done. Go for it. EJxxJust do it!!

07-06-11, 22:41
why has it done that??

07-06-11, 23:25
You clicked on "quote" lol

Well done on your trip away as well x

08-06-11, 00:39
Well done EJ ..SO pleased you enjoyed it .It sounded really nice .:hugs:xxSue

08-06-11, 06:07
So proud of you well done. I know Germany well its not so far from where I live now. But I get around but don't think I could do the bus for that long have done trains as can move around. This is a step I will one day work on also. I am so happy happy for you congrats and hope you do it again soon. Do pop into to see me if you ever make it to Denmark. Wow you coped so well.

18-06-11, 10:54
A short break to Germany or France with plenty of distractions should be prescribed on the NHS for anxiety sufferers.