View Full Version : Hi Im new

06-06-11, 15:52

I'm new to this site, I have been suffering from anxiety for the last ten years. My anxiety started when I was diagnosed with a serious illness and I got throught the illness and out the other side and my physical health is fine now. However I do continue to struggle with anxiety and I try hard not to let it affect my life too much and I battle my way through it but some days like today it gets the better of me and I couldn't face work today and I decided to join this site and talk to others that feel the same as me....

Sometimes I feel so silly for getting as anxious as I do about 'silly little things'. Most people don't really understand unless they have experienced it....

anyway i wanted to say hi....


06-06-11, 15:55
Hi worriesalot1978

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-06-11, 15:57
thanks Nicola x