View Full Version : Vision weird at night?

06-06-11, 18:25
Hi,a few months ago I noticed my vision in my left eye in the dark isn't as good as in my right, I don't go blind as such just everything seems darker like orange colours will seem like a much darker shade and everything just generally looks darker in my left eye, I do wear contact lenses or my glasses so I do have some vision problems but my visions fine in light. It stopped for a couple of months and then last night i had it againsent me into a huge panic, I did have an eye test done at a and e the other week for an eye infection but I'm sure the doctor would've picked something up if there was anything serious? Please help I'm so scared that I have a brain tumor or I'm going to go blind!! :(

06-06-11, 18:41
Hi Holly,

I get this ...almost like my left eye is lit by a dimmer light bulb .and it is very much more evident when I am anxious .
I dont think you have anything serious at all .the doc will have examined your eyes with opthalmascope .......and brain tumours dont present like this honest.
understand your worry though ..the fact it comes and goes is a good one xxx
I have had this for twenty years ....and been reassured by docs .
dont worry ..I also get funny lights at night in my eyes when dark ...always worse if stressed .
take care xx

07-06-11, 13:40
Me too, my left eye has a slightly different colour perception than the right (one eye is more blue, the other is more warm). I've had some quite extensive tests done on my eyes because I was referred to the hospital for high eye pressure - turned out to be normal - and there was nothing in the slightest wrong.

I would guess that maybe you have more light receptors in one eye than the other, it could be part of normal aging, who knows, but it's all part of being human :)

However when it comes to eyes I am a great believer in getting them checked if there are any changes that concern you. So there's no reason why you shouldn't go to your optician and ask for a routine test (which you'll probably be taking annually anyway as a contact lens wearer) and mention it then. They'll have a look at the back of your eye to check it out and that will put your mind at rest. They could well do different tests than A&E did.

07-06-11, 13:53
I find the same as Ingenious, especially in low light. Quite often I lay in bed opening & closing one eye or the other, as one seems to look more warm/orange. I'm sure it's been that way for years, I just didn't notice it until one night a while back.

I agree, though... If you're concerned, pop into your opticians and mention what you're worried about. They may even tell you how common it is/explain why it happens.