View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer - ALL the symptoms, please help!

06-06-11, 18:28
Okay guys, I have been suffering from frequent urination for the past few days, probably worse than its been in a while. I have been feeling rather bloated too and keep passing wind (eugh i know sorry!) and having an uncomfortable stitch like feeling in my side.
Stupidly I looked these symptoms up and the first thing that came up was ovarian cancer.

I'm 22 years old and I have been sexually active for less than two years. My partner has never slept with anyone but me.

On another note I have also been very thirsty and short of breath. Very very worried and anxious about this, please help!

06-06-11, 18:34
Is there any chance you could be pregnant?

06-06-11, 19:17
anxiety can make you need the toilet more than normal - are you going at night or just in the day? Dry mouth from feeling anxious also you will be short of breath if you are anxious.

Relax and try to distinguish what is anxiety and what isnt. Lie down, relax and see if some of the symptoms subside. I bet they do. If not, get checked.

macc noodle
06-06-11, 19:19
Would be incredibly rare to have ovarian cancer at your age babe - sounds like anxiety - go and see the doc if you are still worried and get checked out :) xx

06-06-11, 22:10
I'm sure your symptoms are not only for ovarian cancer and could be some simple infection that will clear up on it's own. Try to stop Googling your symptoms because when you search it just searches for the keywords so it seems to come up with more serious illnesses. If the symptoms haven't cleared up within a week go visit your Doctor to put your mind at rest. Don't worry. :) x

06-06-11, 22:36
Remember that every single symptom anyone has could but is very rarely a symptom of cancer - my Gp told me that this. He said Drs are trained to listen to symptoms but then see if there are any clinical signs of serious disease, something that we can't do. For example ibs sufferers pass lots of mucus :blush: it means nothing serious but if someone of say 60 yrs old said to their dr I am passing mucus and black tarry motions and blood and have lost loads of weight and they look anaemic then the Dr will think they have the clinical signs of something serious whereas a 25 yr old with just mucus and nothing else almost certainly has ibs harmless but horrible.

Dr Google always comes up with worst case scenario first if you google your symptom and add the word anxiety you get different list as google cannot think it is only as good as it has been programmed.

If you cannot get over your worry then see your Dr as a simple ultrasound scan can rule out ovarian cancer and would alert your Dr to what you are worrying about if they are not aware of your health anxiety.

07-06-11, 09:27
Agree with all of this - ovarian cancer in someone of your age is as rare as rocking horse poo, to be honest! Get yourself an appointment with your GP and get checked out; there are lots of really simple things that could be causing this, including anxiety.