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06-06-11, 19:37
Going mad with worry!!. Not me with the problem but very worried about my Dad.
1 really nasty episode of upper right abdominal pain for about 6 hours, followed by Jaundice that passed after about 2 days. Went to DR and Liver function test came back abnormal. no other symptoms, but has lost a bit of weight. Went for a gallbladder scan today, but they couldn't find it!!-So now i am imaginig all sorts of nasty things like pancreatic cancer, bile duct cancer etc etc. My Dad is his usual vague self!!.
Does anyone know
1) If it was the big C anywhere in that area the jaundice would have persisted as would have the pain??
2) what does it mean they couldn't find it!!-of there was anything dodgy going on surly it would show up
I was hoping it was gall stones , but if they coudln't find the gall bladder there obviously wasn;t any stones there

Going mad!!! with worry

06-06-11, 22:40
I bet your Dad had a gallstone and he has passed it - if a gallstone gets stuck in the bile duct then you get savage attack of upper right sided pain and if its stuck for long enough jaundice but it could then work its way out and away. This would give abnormal liver function test result as well.
If you can ask your Dad if after the pain did he get very pale poo:blush: as thats also a sign of a stuck gallstone!

YOur Dads Dr has probably already done a blood test for the pancreas called the amalyase (spl?) test and also the ultrasound would pick up any abnormality of the pancreas anyway.

IF I am wrong about what has happened then your Dad would continue to get attacks but it does sound like text book stuck gallstone scenario.

07-06-11, 07:48
thanks countrygirl, that is what i thought, but where is that gallbladder, that 's what has really worried me, the fact they couldn't find it! on ultrasound, i was thinking if it was full of stones it would have shown up beautifully on scan, but as i said they couldn.t even find it. I wonder how common that is-anyone know?

07-06-11, 12:08
Sounds like you are lacking information from your Dad. If they could not find his gallbladder then it is likely that they would do a ct or mri scan to find it, I have had in the past where they could not see a kidney because your bowel can cover it up with ultrasound but they just do another one on a different day or have had me roll around on bed to move bowel! so maybe same thing can happen with gallbladder- mine is easily found as its full ofl little gallstones:). Has your Dad said what his GP is doing next as no GP would just ignore the symptoms your DAd has had and this with the can;t find gallbladder is even more puzzling.

07-06-11, 12:23
Don't panic (says she!):blush:
Had abnormnal Liver function blood tests last week and have had a whole series of blood tests since. Today have scan of liver.
Previously had scans and could not find gall bladder!
Furious with NHS as did not pick up fatty liver before and was not advised even any alcohol could affect me, plus my diet.
Nobody has mentioned cancer but could be gallstones/bile duct probs etc and liver can regenerate if caught in time.
Let me know how he gets on and I will let you know re my problem, if you like.
I am 50 and now realise problems have been going on for ages and NHS have not acted on things so now going fully armed with questions.
I do have a very thorough doctor and seeing him tomorrow.
Yes I am worried, but what can I do, just need to get to the bottom of the problem and hopefully it's not too late for my liver. :ohmy:
Good luck to your Dad.
Best wishes

07-06-11, 17:30
Just an update after my liver scan. Told the Liver looked normal, possibly fatty but not the liver as doc had expected to see, as per blood tests. Good news on that front we hope. They could not find my gall bladder, this is the 3rd time this has happened to me. Scan was quite painful as tender in that area but generally feel relieved.
Now need to see why blood results were so bad and where is that gall bladder but hope this helps you and your worries re your Dad:)