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View Full Version : so scared am loosing it

06-06-11, 21:44
hiya havent posted for a while thought i had beaten the ugly demon, but no its back with avengence. i had a lot of stress last week in school hols having 3 kids with special needs is very stressful. anyway 1 day i got quite upset and started getting chest pain but its weird like a nipping of the chest wall, not crushing pain. anyway it wont go away if i push the hoover it will come back i twisted my body to put a trolley back and i got it again. its doing my head in im so scred its my heart that i am having to fight off panic attacks but inside im shaking. last week my doc said it could be inflammation of the chest wall and i do have a history of acid reflux, imnot convinced its not my heart though please someone help or reassure me x

06-06-11, 22:32
i promise you, that this is muscular pain. i suffer with it too. if it was your heart, it would be getting worse and it would have turned into a heart attack by now. also ud be short of breath, and maybe having poor circulation.
we dont realise it, be when we're tense we tighten up our chest muscles which can also cause it to hurt/go into spasm.
i always get random pains in the chest and i know it's hard to come to terms with but it really isn't anything serious, just classic anxiety. i know it's horrible, it feels like a constant battle, but honestly you are fine. xxx

07-06-11, 19:51
thank you so much for your reply, i am going back to docs tomorrow hubby thinks i need to go back on citalopram but they make me feel so awful, i definitely need to get to grips with the demon again xx

07-06-11, 20:13
you take care kiwi x You've been under more pressure than your usual. Try and take some time out for yourself....(I know that's difficult) xx

07-06-11, 21:26
thanks i will try, i just wish the pains in my chest would do one, they come and go but it feels so tender. I will beat this darn thing xx