View Full Version : Its been ahwile

22-04-06, 02:48
Hello everyone - its Chrissy. I want to apologize for not coming back in a long time! I dont really have an excuse other then the fact that Ive been doing loads better and been keeping very busy. It probably seems terrible to only come back with a problem, but you guys have really been a support for me in the past and I could use it right now.

Just to catch you up - im still taking my lustral and doing well on it. Ive had a huge break from my DP/DR and really thought it was completely gone. Ive been going out more and even been able to work a bit. My ex-girlfriend moved back in with me just as a roomate and that did wonders for me. I was even able to skip a few sessions at the therapists and save some money as I pay for it out of my own pocket.

About three weeks ago my ex decided to spend some time with her other ex and maybe try to work things out(which im totally OK with) but im missing her being here very much!! Im starting to feel lonely and feel like the DP is creeping back because im alone so much. Her stuff is still here but shes not really spending any time here. The DP is my worst symptom and what causes my depression and anxiety to get bad and linger. So, naturally im very scared that it could start all over again and ill be back to how I was. Im starting to have the same bad thoughts again and im really scared about it. Also, my sleep has always been disturnbed but it seems much worse lately!!!! Any of your opinions about this would be welcome. Thank you Chrissy

22-04-06, 19:02

Welcome back. Try and concentrate on what you've already done. You stated that you have been doing quite well...and that is not attributed to your ex but to the great things that you have done yourself.

I know it's nice to have someone around but, you've gotten so far it sounds like, just be aware that you've gotten that far because of YOU.

Hang out here with us for a while see if we can help you out some.


22-04-06, 21:51
hi chrissy,

well its good to read that you got over a lot of your difficulties and started getting on with life again. so remember that you can get better from this, so try and stay positive.

maybe spending too much time on your own just doesn't suit you. i know its easier to say, than to change - but you might find it helpful to stay in company.

you take care .. andrew

22-04-06, 23:57
Thank you both for the kind words. I guess its just a scary thought to know that at any time you could slip back into a pattern of DP(depersonalization) almost without warning. Thats really what im scared of. Andrew I do believe you may be right about being alone not suiting me very well, it really never has. Just dont know what I can do about that at the moment. I dont want to beg her to come back home as my co-dependency on her is what broke us up in the first place. Anyways ill keep you all updated and plan to stop by here alot more. Im always open to suggestions and advice - thank you all.

23-04-06, 16:29
Welcome back Chrissy - lovely to see you here. Sorry you are not so good at the moment but we will support you again all we can.
