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View Full Version : Cold turkey enforced on me!

07-06-11, 10:30

I have been reading things on here but been in a bit of denial as to my problems.

Long story but to address current problem:

Been taken off Venlafaxine today, with only slight form of tapering.Well I was on 75mg times 2, 1 in morning,1 in evening, took only 1 since Saturday and today is first day of no tablets at all.
The reason:
Took alcohol/overdose of tablets last week and hospital did blood tests. Came back dodgy and doc in hospital put me down as a heavy drinker and discharged me with attitude! My own doctor took one look at me and rang hospital for results and was brilliant. For anyone who knows ALP was 590/ALT 500, which is what they call a "deranged liver".He was truly shocked and has had me in for blood tests again yesterday. I am booked in for urgent liver scan today and see him again tomorrow.
I will not deny, I have had a drink problem in the past wrapped up with depression etc and recently drank on the tablets (NOT DAILY) for maybe a month as had lots of celebrations etc (I was 50!). Nurse practitioner agreed was ok to drink,in moderation, even gave me stomach lining tablets!
Previously had scans on gallbladder as had pain etc and despite not being able to find gallbladder, nobody did anything. Now I am in a serious condition, off my tablets and feeling scared.
Any tips re withdrawal gratefully received or anyone who has experienced similar. I lost my job last week after giving up fighting my employer over being bullied, hence the overdose, but hopefully wont feel that way again.
Crisis team useless, only rang today and will see me Monday, no help/advice, nothing. I have a wonderful husband and he gets me through.
Children grown up but hard to talk about all of this in detail to them, though they know re current liver issues, not the overdose.
Helps to tell someone anyway, on here.
I am ok and want to get through this, makes you realise how precious life is really, though seems odd thing to say after last week!

Currently experiencing brain fuzz/zaps!

Thanks for listening