View Full Version : Is this anxiety based?

07-06-11, 11:21
I was diagnosed with post natal depression over 3 years ago, and with it had terrible ocd, health anxiety, depression panic attacks ect. I have been on Citalopram for 3 years 20mg, and am much better but I have this residual anxiety hangover, I have no real motiviation to do much, but then all of a sudden i will get an idea for a project in my head be over excited about it, its all i will think of for days and weeks even months, spend money on courses/equipment to get the idea up and running and then lose complete interest and go back to no motivation and no interest in anything. I have a vague anxiety with me most of the time, I really want to get rid of this for once and all and just feel normal again. I am so much better though than I was, but am not the person I was 4 years ago.