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View Full Version : Anxiety much worse at bedtime?

07-06-11, 12:46
Does anyone else find for the most part that during the day you can keep a hold on the anxiety and symptoms as there are many distractions such as work, tv, household chores, reading etc. but when it is time to go to sleep, this can sometimes prove impossible? Even though at the moment I am feeling very ill with a dizzy head and feeling very shaky and sick, for the most part I can usually distract myself enough during the day for it not too be a big issue, but it has got to the point now where I am too scared to try to go to sleep without either the help of alcohol or sleeping tablets. When I lie down my head starts going what I can only describe as mental, dizzy, pounding, buzzing and this causes my anxiety to go sky high, i also have to keep my legs moving because if i stop then it makes the stuff thats going on in my head even worse. This can be so hard to describe, but I have got to the point now where I can not go to sleep naturally and need help. I think its the fear of actually going to bed now thats getting to me as much as the symptoms. Does anyone else experience this or have any advice? Thanks very much in advance.

07-06-11, 13:10
yes i used to be like this my anxiety was always much much worse in the mornings and at bed time. i got scared of my own room and bed at one time as i associated it with anxiety. try and go to bed without aids as you will just be dependable on them hun.
the cure is in the doing it will pass
good luck hun

07-06-11, 14:58
I am the same MVP123. Daytime I can usually distract myself from the symptoms but at night, no hope! Meditation can help, but it can be a real struggle to stick with it as I find my mind wanders too easily. But if you keep going back to it eventually you should be so focused that you may not notice your anxiety, and as you relax sleep should come. There are lots of meditations out there, some are area specific, so see if you can find one specific to relaxation. One that starts with a muscle check is good. This is where you focus on your muscles, starting with your feel and physically relxaing them and move up to you head. Its amazing how much I can still be tense even when I'm comfortable ans relaxing!

07-06-11, 19:38
Its the same for me. I think its because I'm distracted during the day but it doesn't seem to matter what I try to do in the evenings. If the anxiety wants to play then there's nothing I can do. I think its worse when I'm tired, might be wrong though?

07-06-11, 20:02
Completely agree with all that has been said, just to add I also have days where I start to actually feel 'good' prior to going to bed and look forward to a good nights sleep then have very vivid dreams if I can sleep at all and usually spend all night tossing and turning with continual thoughts running through my mind leaving me exhausted come the morning.

But definitely anxiety levels increase at night and first thing in the morning!

08-06-11, 03:45
I am actually worse at work or in other social situations. I think that this is because I have so much 'safe stuff' around me at home and in my bed that I feel like it is a very secure place where no one can hurt me.

My anxiety levels often increase when I am contemplating a social situation or anything where I feel I will have to depend on other people.

09-06-11, 18:41
I am the same, mostly OK in the day and as the evening moves on I can feel myself getting worse. Its a real struggle. The meditation suggestion is a good one, plus distractions like leaving something you know on the TV so you can listen but not concentrate.

jaded jean
09-06-11, 19:31
MVP123 I am the same too. usually the mornings are the worst. the evenings seem to be catching up tho:mad: i cant wait till i have had my night meds and that relaxes my muscles hence enabling me to get ready for sleep:) otherwise i would be on the ceiling lol

09-06-11, 21:21
Me too, I hate night-times. I think it's cause during the day there is plenty to distract me. At night I always feel really alone and just worry about every little feeling or thought. Also I really clench my teeth and tense all my legs and arms, sometimes I wake up and they hurt.
I find that lavender oil helps massively, I put some on a hankie next to my pillow and as soon as I smell it I really start to relax. It's supposed to be very good for relaxing you. I used it to get through my driving test as well and it really helps. Some people hate the smell of it, but it's worth a go, you can get a little bottle in Boots for about a fiver.
People always say not to watch TV right before bed but I find watching a comedy or something light-hearted is really good for helping me to relax. I try books but I find that when you are in the throes of anxiety you aren't always able to concentrate that well!
Hope this helps and all the best.

14-06-11, 18:31
Yes my anxiety is worse at night, espicially when I am woken up after getting to sleep - it always makes me panic.

I play mental games like trying to name as many countries and their capatical cities as possible. My doctor wouldn't let me have sleeping tablets, she increased by dose of medication and said to give it time as it should help eventually.

14-06-11, 18:54
I am bad too first thing in the morning and when I am going to bed. I now take 2 5HTP tablets an hour before I go to bed and burn lavender oil in my room as well as listen to relaxation CDs (on my headphones so I don't disturb my husband!). I have had two of my worst panic attacks in bed and so now I have 'the fear' but by taking the above steps - and having a soak in the bath (if I have the time) bedtime has become less of an issue. I also have a Kindle with a lighted cover so if I feel a bit tetchy and hubby is asleep I read that until I can't keep my eyes open. Luckily it switches itself off if idle! Also I try not to have caffeine after midday if I can help it - but sometimes I need it!! Hope this helps - just think there's a whole lot of us freaking out at this time - maybe just knowing that will be of some comfort?? x