View Full Version : Fear of Flying

22-04-06, 03:48
I've never been especially keen on flying, but about 2 years ago I was on a flight to Amsterdam and I had probably my worst panic attack ever. As the plane took off my fight or flight response kicked in and I had an urge to dash for the door and get out. I was trying to fight it, clinging on to the arm rest for dear life, my legs wrapped around the leg of the chair and forcing myself back into my seat.

It was only a short flight but I was breathing in and out of a sick bag the whole way and a stewardess sat with me to calm me down.

When we got there I was feeling awful and when I saw the armed policemen my fight or flight repsonse went off again and I had an urge to grab his gun and start shooting!!

I went out with everyone that afternoon and had quite a nice time, but the next day I felt absolutely horrendous- I felt like throwing myself out of the window.

And then I started dreading how I was going to get back. I wasn't flying, the tunnel would petrify me and I have an urge to jump off boats! I felt like i could never get home. In the end I decided that I was best off sticking with the others and flying back. As the plane took off I nearly shouted "stop! let me off". It wasn't as bad on the way home, but still not nice either.

The worst part for me was that I couldn't place myself. It didn't seem to be a real place to be up in the clouds.

Since then I have developed a fear of being on the planet, which is accentuated by travelling anywhere. I'm due to fly to Cyprus next year to get married and it's daunting. BUT I don't want to be restricted to England or even to my small town. I want to see the world.

As I'm writing this I actually feel quite calm about what happened. that's a breakthrough!!

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

22-04-06, 13:36
Well done for sticking with it all the way!!!! [Wow!]

The exact same thing happened to me on the way to Russia last year. I had a panic attack and wanted to get out the plane in mid flight. It was more claustophobia than heights. I just tried to focus on the book I had in my hand and talk to the person next to me to take my mind off it. On the way back I felt worse and I held on to the seat all the way back. Flying really makes me nervous but I want to see so many places, it seems essential.


22-04-06, 15:24

There is plenty of time between now and you flight next yearto prepare for this and mentally rehearsing the thought of flying when feeling relaxed can help enormously.

These posts might also help:

Flying (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3092)
flying (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1440)
anxious need some reasurance from my friends here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3918)
plane tommorrow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7374)

You could try hypnotherapy too, either with a therapist, or with a download like this one (http://www.hypnosisdownloads.com/downloads/phobias_fears/fear_flying.html).


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

22-04-06, 16:56
Hmmm what made you panic? Are you scared of the plane crashing, feeling trapped or something else? I can recommend a great book called flying without fear by Capt Keith Godfrey, you can get it from Amazon etc and that's great or BA do a really good fear of flying course which I've been on too, very helpful and the staff who run it are the best. If you want anymore advice PM me I'll be glad to help and explain the course in more detail.

22-04-06, 19:05
Hi there, i can really relate to your fear of flying/being away from home. I too am going to Cyprus (to my friends wedding!) but in 4 weeks!! I have been doing lots of preperations and am determined not to spoil it for the rest of the family. Also don't want the kids to pick up on my fears. I am not expecting to do this alone, and will be going to my GP for diazapam and beta blockers. (ended up taking three diazapam on my last flight in September!)

Hopefully i will have a positive experience to report back to you!

Best Wishes India xx