View Full Version : Please help me, i feel sick tierd and dizzy.

07-06-11, 20:21
Hi there, i am really worried becausee i had a urine sample taken but it came out clear which im happy about, but now worrying whats causing these symptoms. Im so worried aswell got loads of lumps on my head and someone extremely painful ones around the bottom back left of my head, im also very tierd and dizzy and aslo feel sick. Also whenevr i eat anything i feel like throwing upp and get bloated with pain in my stomach. I am really scared, cant stop crying. Does anyone else get this??

07-06-11, 21:03
hi im new here im sorry i dont know anything about your symptoms but i know that when i posted earlier just getting a response helped me feel a bit better. an i hope this helps one of the tricks i use to calm down is counting by 5s 5 10 15 20 and so on i keep track on my fingers each time i reach 100 it sounds dumb but its a mindless enough task that takes just enough focus so your not concentrating so hard on fear i also try to regulate my breathing while i do this i finjd that it helps to put the tv on something funny preferably something that has alot of people laughing laughter is infectious and usually helps me alot to hear other people laugh i hope this helps at least a little

07-06-11, 21:25
Thankyou for your reply, although counting doesnt help me. But thankyou, although i am getting alot of symptoms, what sort of ones do you get? Any simular? Thanks

07-06-11, 21:39
i feel dizzy alot and nauseas my fear is that i will pass out i have severe sleep apnea and need to use a cpap machine when i sleep or i stop breathing its gotten bad enough so that i cant fall asleep without the machine if i nod off without it the second i start to fall asleep my air way closes and i jump awake with a gasp my fear is ill pass out and not be able to breath without the machine being alone is really terrifying to me for those reasons and worrying causes me to feal nauseas alot i havent had an appetite for almost a week but i make myself eat cause i know it will be worse for me if i dont