View Full Version : hi

07-06-11, 20:43
My name is linda....i recently started having anxiety..3 house moves in and out with partner with high stressful teenagers...the doctor put me on fluoxetine because i wasnt feeling better after a month...then because i wasn't sleeping changed it to zispin.....i am having these terrible rushes....i feel so lost....my partner recently left me and has someone new so that was my set back...and im so hurt when i think of it causes the rushes....I am on anxiety uk site for a cheap cbt therapist...the nhs does't seem to help in that....does anyone know what I can get re: support I am from Stafford.....thank you ....any advise on the above would be really appreciated.....i.e. does zispin eventually work.....is zopiclone worse for me to take than no sleep.......will i have bad withdrawal after 3 x 4mg diazepam...


08-06-11, 10:13
I have had 23 views and noone replied to help or give advice

08-06-11, 13:28
hello there, I do not take the same medication as you, I take citalopram and do have diazepam but try not to use them unless its an emergency. So i can't really give any kind of advice on your medication.

CBT is available for free through your GP, I have had a few sessions so far and its going ok. Your GP can refer you for this, it might take a while to get your referral through but its worth a try.

hope this helps in some way?

Kayleigh x

Veronica H
09-06-11, 00:40
:welcome:to NMP. Glad that you have found us. The lack of replies relates to the question I think, as I do not have the answer re the medication either. You have been through a lot and I wish you well in your recovery.
