View Full Version : stomach bug

Sal x
07-06-11, 21:47
Hi everyone,

was just wondering if anyone else has suffered from a stomach bug for about 6 weeks?? It stared with a really churny tummy about 6 weeks ago and the after about 2 weeks, I went to the loo and my poo was red ( i automatically went into major panic as thought I had bowel cancer - then two days later, both my sons had red poo so this settled my mind to a stoamch bug) anyway, about 2 weeks ago it came back again with avengence (no red poo this time though). it feels like someone has been washing uo in my stomach and the dirty water is just churning around. its really hi up in my stomach and has the sensation of hunger but when i eat, it makes it worse. I went to the docs and they gave me som meds to reduce the acid in my stomach, which seem to work in the short term, but it keeps coming back. it happens every other day so its not constant. We moved house about 9 weeks ago and im now starting to think its carbon monoxide poisening or water poisening?!?!?! please please can someone shed some light on this cos its driving me mad. is it possible to have a stomach bug for this long? or is this a symptom of carbon monoxide??


Sal x
08-06-11, 14:30

08-06-11, 15:23
Hi Sal

Sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell.

Are you kids ill again too? Or just you? I assume you have informed the doctor about the "red poo". Was it just coloured red or was it blood?

From experience, I can tell you that problems can carry on in the bowel area for some time. I first got IBS after taking 3 courses of antibiotics in quick succession in 2005. I am currently on my 5th bout of IBS following an upset stomach 3 weeks ago. Often, an infection or similar can upset the balance of bacteria in your stomach and this can take some time to right itself. My symptoms are abdominal pain and a lot of bloating and wind but in the past I have had pain under my ribs and heartburn.

Have your doctors done any tests to see if you still have an infection? They can do stool and blood tests. Unfortunately, IBS can carry on for some time. There are certain medications you can have though. Have a look at the IBS section to the left.

I hope you are feeling better soon

09-06-11, 18:15
Hi, I think this is a really nasty bug that is going round.

I had it earlier in the year and then a couple of weeks after i got rid of it, it came back.

It's horrible but the fact that your sons have had it to suggests that it is some horrible contagious bug and nothing serious.

Hope you feel better soon xxx

09-06-11, 18:23
Considering that your kiddos have it..it has to me going around..seems like your doctor hasn't done the appropriate blood work/stool tests to see if there are parasites in your system.? Any ''bug'' shouldn't be in your system..that long...perhaps get a second opinion from another doctor..?

Best wishes to you and your family..keep us posted.