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View Full Version : Apologies but real heart worry...any help appreciated

07-06-11, 23:29
Hello to you all.

I’m in a bit of a bad way at the moment.

Severe palpitations have been with me for about a week or so. Prior to this I hadn’t had any palps for months, six or eight months or so. The things that are really worrying me are the following…

I wasn’t feeling particularly stressed before the latest onset of palps. in fact, I’d been doing a good job of regularly jogging and had a resting heartbeat of about 56-58 bpm. I’d been eating healthily (for the most part) and have been drinking fresh green tea for a good six months now. So I’m a bit worried why the palps have returned.

I’ve had the tingling in the left arm too along with that awful feeling like your chest is going to burst when I get stressed BECAUSE of the palps.

Have just finished my MA and it’s been hard work but I really didn’t feel stressed before this bout of ectopics or whatever came around, but I have been really tired – sort of run down and busy with work, kids, etc. Plus, today some kind individual today started telling me how a friend of his dropped dead at 38 from a heart attack. I’m 37. He said that his friend was thin as a rake but had sky high cholesterol from a bad diet through his 20’s and 30’s. Now I eat healthily as much as I can but I’ve eaten some rubbish in my time (am now 5’ 11 weighing 11 and ½ st). Am really beginning to wonder if these palps are perhaps early signs of bad arteries, even though I’ve always been an active cyclist, runner and swimmer.

Am I being soft? Could these palps/ectopics be signs of heart problems? Could do with any level headed words.

Thanks in advance,


08-06-11, 04:32
As far as I know" not a doctor" I have had them 56 years and still complaining with them. I havent died yet. My brother which was 44 died of massive cornary one morning and he was a health fanatic so scratch heath conscious ,,,,jor me although we do wtch what we et and drink, also try to do a little exercise and little salt etc... The things you do ,you know for good health however we both do smoke but thats the only thing we do negative. I think you should just do your best to try to be healty and try not to worry about the palps etc.I have talked to many cardiologist that say they are uncomfortable but not life thretening.Sometimes I think the stress of worry is worse than the real illness. Just try to relax and calm down.You will be fine.Take care

08-06-11, 04:33
Forgive the mispellings im using ipad 2 and not used to it yet

08-06-11, 09:29
id try not to worry about them easier said than done im obsessed with my heart i dont get palp but get adrealine rushes where it just beats fatser and all my body shakes. my mum has a heart probelm and her consultant said missed beats are nothing to worry about most people get them

if youve been stressed im sure thats prob why are you on any anti depressents to help? x

08-06-11, 16:22
Hello to you all.

I’m in a bit of a bad way at the moment.

Severe palpitations have been with me for about a week or so. Prior to this I hadn’t had any palps for months, six or eight months or so. The things that are really worrying me are the following…

I wasn’t feeling particularly stressed before the latest onset of palps. in fact, I’d been doing a good job of regularly jogging and had a resting heartbeat of about 56-58 bpm. I’d been eating healthily (for the most part) and have been drinking fresh green tea for a good six months now. So I’m a bit worried why the palps have returned.

I’ve had the tingling in the left arm too along with that awful feeling like your chest is going to burst when I get stressed BECAUSE of the palps.

Have just finished my MA and it’s been hard work but I really didn’t feel stressed before this bout of ectopics or whatever came around, but I have been really tired – sort of run down and busy with work, kids, etc. Plus, today some kind individual today started telling me how a friend of his dropped dead at 38 from a heart attack. I’m 37. He said that his friend was thin as a rake but had sky high cholesterol from a bad diet through his 20’s and 30’s. Now I eat healthily as much as I can but I’ve eaten some rubbish in my time (am now 5’ 11 weighing 11 and ½ st). Am really beginning to wonder if these palps are perhaps early signs of bad arteries, even though I’ve always been an active cyclist, runner and swimmer.

Am I being soft? Could these palps/ectopics be signs of heart problems? Could do with any level headed words.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Dan

I suffer from palps too; I know exactly how frightening it can be!

I saw my GP and then a cariologist who after examining me advised that all my chest pain and any missed beats etc. were down to anxiety. I am now on Citaprolam for my anxiety and hopefully this will attack the horrible anxiety symptoms I have been suffering, but if you are concerned I would urge you to see your GP.

At the end of the day, they are medical professionals and I think we all need to remember that. Yes, we know if our bodies are not quite right, but we need to remember that 1. if it was serious, the medical professional would know and 2. it can be a number of things causing pains/aches etc...not all symptoms are serious. That might sound silly with it being your heart, but your sub-conscious can affect you too... this might be the case here.

I hope what I have said helps a little bit and I hope you get the reassurance you need from someone.

Take care
