View Full Version : Ectopic Heartbeats

08-06-11, 14:44
I am a sufferer of health anxiety for many years, with it rearing its head every so often. I have just come back from holiday where I stupidly drank nearly every night and ate rubbish food and I am paying for it now. I am now having ectopic heartbeats which I have had in the past and luckily they have gone. I am just looking for reassurance that there is nothing seriously wrong and it is only down to drinking nearly every night whilst on holiday. I know eventually they will disappear but at this present moment in time I can feel the panic starting to rise!
Thanks for listening
Sarah x

08-06-11, 17:19
Alcohol is a bit trigger for ectopics as is overeating so having a full stomach plus about 200 other things!