View Full Version : Hello! My name is Ella, Alex Ella!

08-06-11, 15:29
And I am currently withdrawing from 20mg citalopram.

I am doing it solo, cold-turkey. I've tried to come off before, with the GP's help and without it, but both were pretty bad. So I decided to go for it and try to focus on all the things in my life that are good to keep from sinking into the mire again. This is the longest time I've been on anti-Ds.

I've been on them for 2 nearly 3 years. When I first took them it felt like stepping into a warm bath - everything relaxed. For the first time in over a year I could sleep, I even dropped off while watching my kids in a play park :winks:.

But now it feels less like a warm relaxing bath and more like wading through treacle. I have put on 2 stone in weight and have lost fitness inspite of largely sticking to my running schedule. I haven't had a sense of smell in all that time and I seem to have a constantly running nose. I have made numerous attempts to lose weight but each time It's been so so hard to get anywhere :weep:. So it's time to take a stand.

I've told my husband who is wary as he knows how I was last time. I think he still bears the scars! But he's on side now.

I am getting the vile symptoms - the dizziness, the heaviness, the tiredness and the head shudders. But they will pass. The real test comes when they'ev gone and my mood returns to 'normal' - hoping that 'normal' is not the same place as it was 2.5 years ago.

Does anyone have any tips for keeping out of grip of the miseries when you come off?

08-06-11, 15:33
Hi Alexella

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-06-11, 17:15
Hey Alexella!
I have also come off citalopram (4omg) cold turkey and it was not pleasant! try to remember that the odd fellings are just withdrawals and they WILL pass! I found that chewing gum helps to keep your jaw 'loose' and if you have a bad day..it means just that, a bad day, not the end of the world! Ice been off meds for about 6 months now and i am by no means 'cured' but the fogginess that comes form taking pills has gone and honestly feel like its possible to beat this demon without meds for the time being. Hope all's going well in your quest!
B x

09-06-11, 09:54
Thanks for the welcome Diane.

rr - that is so reassuring. Everything I have done this before I have lasted a few months before giving up and going back on the pills. I hate the 'fogginess' too - I tried to explain to my husband why I wanted to stop something that has made me so much better and 'it just feels wrong' was the only explanation I could come up with. I can rationalise about it with the weight and the runny nose etc but the real reason is that I want to know what it feels like to feel like ME again. How will I know if I am better if I never stop taking the meds. Thanks