View Full Version : I Can't do this anymore !!!!

08-06-11, 15:33
Hope you don't mind but i have also posted this in the GA forum aswell.

. I have had health worries for which i have had tests which have all been clear, but despite this i feel like i'm in a nasty spiral of anxiety and don't know what to do or who to ask for help. I constantly analyse my symptoms and panic if something isn't quite right and end up at my doctors in floods of tears. I think they are at the end of their tether with me now. They have referred me to a psych but that may take a while, I have been having cbt but it isn't helping. Med wise i am on sertraline and seroquel, the sertraline i have been on for years !! I am tring to hold things together for the sake of my family, but inside i feel like i'm losing it, especially in the mornings. If anyone out there has some advice i would be very grateful xxx

08-06-11, 16:40
I'm no good at advice really, but try not to Google your symptoms. Online there are so many pages for serious illnesses but hardly any pages for small infections, so for every symptom you have Google will almost always tell you that you're seriously ill.

If there's a symptom you have is it possible to mask it so that you can forget about it? I wear my watch over the cancerous-looking mole on my arm, I wear long sleeved tops to cover my petechiae and I wear my hair down to cover my swollen lymph node. It helps me to forget about the symptoms because I can't stare at them all the time.

I hope this helps a little bit.
