View Full Version : So glad I found this place...

08-06-11, 16:45
Hello everybody:)

I'm a 25 year old woman from Australia who's been living in London for about 18 months.

I was diagnosed with GAD when I was 20 but recovered significantly after a few months with the help of 20mg Citalopram.
As a 'safety net' I stayed on the drugs until last October and have been fine until about a month ago when I started suffering random panic attacks - on the tube and once in the middle of dinner during a date (great impression!). Neither of these situations frighten me normally, so it was just bizarre that this happened. Anyway, I gradually got worse and worse, almost housebound by an upset tummy and constant dizzyness of varying severity. I've been to the doctor and she's put me back on Cipramil. I managed to go to work yesterday(with the help of imodium!)but simply felt like I couldn't do it today as I felt so nauseas and dizzy the moment I opened my eyes. I'm also terrfified of the tube for absolutely no reason, but it's the only way I can get to work unfortunately.
Today is my sixth day back on Cipramil and I'm hoping they will help me get back on track. Anxiety is frightening, frustrating and debilitating and I can't wait to get better. Thanks for having me here :)

08-06-11, 16:48
Hi HRose

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-06-11, 17:26
its nice to have you here, anxiety is probably one of the worst things thats ever happened to me, like you said its frightening, frustrating and debilitating. Also weird why we suddenly become afraid to do things that we used to do all the time. I hope your dinner date wasn't affected to much by your panic.

hoping your medicine takes some effect soon and hope you feel better soon.

Kayleigh x

08-06-11, 17:32
Hi HRose,

I am sorry that you are having such a bad time of it...anxiety is dreadful...it rears its ugly head for no reason at all and then causes you to back off from things that dont normally bother you.

Hopefully once you get used to the drugs again they will help you into a better place.

I have suffered on and off for 13 years now....I suffer from GAD and sometimes this turns into depression.

I too take meds (mirtazipine and prebabalin) they help me enormously...I am currently weaning off the mirtazipine as I have been taking them for well over a year!!

I do hope you feel better soon.....you are not alone and will get plenty of support and help from this wonderful site.


08-06-11, 17:55
Thankyou so much for your kind words. As for the dinner date- I never heard from him again, which I suppose is a good thing because I wouldn't want to be involved with someone who's going to judge me for having anxiety. Who knows, maybe nobody would have panic attacks if everybody understood :)

xx Hannah

08-06-11, 18:19
exactly, not worth it if they judge you!