View Full Version : Sleep clinic experience

08-06-11, 17:06
Bit long post but may help someone having same thing.
First of all I have to say that the staff at Liverpool hospital are so friendly and nice but the sleep clinic ward is horrendous. They did assure me that a new ward was being created with 8 rooms opening later in summer. I had to shimmy down a corridor lined with cages of stores and I honestly thought they had put a bed in a store room but it was the other way round they were using the bedroom as a store. Ceiling tiles hanging off, walls a mess and freezing cold. The bed was clean but the rest was dirty to say the least. There was one manky toilet but that was it as far as facilities went, an old yale lock on the toilet door had been sealed over with parcel tape.
My Gp said I was going to a sleep test that was the electrodes on the head one to see what happens when I am in transition from awake to asleep but when I got there it was a respiratory sleep test??? This is not my problem! so I was wired up with heart monitors - sensors on legs and one hand, tight belts around chest and waist, finger monitor and a microphone was taped to my neck and worst of all a plastic nasal tube with prongs up and down to moniter my air flow from nose and mouth was taped to my face. Try sleeping with that lot on:):):)
I had taken a sleeping pill with me and gave up at 12.30 and took it and then slept but was woken up at 6am and straight away had to get out of bed and have all the tapes and sensors ripped off - best waxing in ages but have reacted badly to sticky so my neck is a mess as is where the heart sensors were. The technician was leaving at 7am and all I was offered was a cup of coffee. My husband was staying in a hotel and could not get to hospital until 9am so at 8am I had to sit in a corridor as staff needed the bedroom?
I had been given an outpatient appt of 11 am to see Dr about test so was going to go and have some breakfast with hubby when he arrived at 9am but they said that I could go straight to outpatient sand I would be seen as they had done the study. So starving hungry, feeling very dirty I sat in outpatients and sat and sat - I eventually got to see Dr at 10.45am and he said we did the wrong test:shrug: I should have had the electrode test, I resisted the urge to be sarcastic as he was nice. He said he didn't really need the electrode test as at least the respiratory one had ruled out it being anything to do with my heart or my breathing and he was happy that I was only using sleeping pills occasionally when the fallilng sensations are bad. He said it could be one of the sleep disorders that affects the transition from awake to asleep but really he said he did not know:huh: He said treatment is same for everything anyway in that range of problems. He said I could have gone back once again to have the electrode test but he did not think it necessary and wild horses would not have got me spend another night in there so we agreed that if it becomes a constant problem and I need to take sleeping pills every night I can be re referred and go back for the other test.

Complete waste of time and money comes to mind!

08-06-11, 21:35
Hi, what problems do you have with sleeping then, as I have numerous?

08-06-11, 21:46
Its a very specific problem with the transition from awake to asleep - as I start to relax into sleep I get a sensation of intense tingling like electric shock right through body combined with a dropping feeling but no body movement so its not hypnic jerk. I get it at least once a night but some nights it keeps me awake all night, tends to be bad for 3-4 nights then improves slowly over a week.