View Full Version : Hi, I'm new

08-06-11, 19:42
Hi there, New memebr to all this. Thought it polite to post for the first time. I have had depression on and off for the last 16 years. I'm currenlty signed off and just started citropram. lovely stuff. Getting over the worst of the side affects now. Feeling rubbish today. My sick note ran out today and trying to figure out if i'm well enough for work. Not really feeling it. Don't know if its the depression or if I hate the job or probably both. great site:D

08-06-11, 19:44
Hi scoob

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-06-11, 19:51
hey scoob nice to have you here :welcome:

Cat Girl
09-06-11, 19:58
Hi, its really hard when you've been signed off with this stuff to know if you can go back to work or if you're ready. I was off for a long time and decided it wasnt right for me to go back as I was not being supported by my employer. Think of your mental well being and take your time to decide how you feel. Take care :)

09-06-11, 20:55
Hi i'm new aswel, i've been suffering from anxiety for a while now and i haven't been to see anyone about it, infact i've only told a couple of people in confidence about my problem. i found this site through google so thought i'd join :)
I hope one day i'll be able to pluck up the courage to go and see a doctor so i can get what i need whether it's meds or seeing a Councillor, and hopefully get the time off work.
but the problem is that ironically having anxiety is actually stopping me from booking the appointment because i get so horribly anxious about it :( i think the complete worse, what if thy dont believe me, or think i'm just stupid, or say no teres no thing wrong with you, or worse there loads wrong with me.
and then i think if he advises me to take time off work... i'd be anxious about that! i'd feel so guilty leaving my colleagues to do all my shifts while i have some time off :(
and im scared i could get let go or something if i take too much time off, and im scared about what i'd do for money for those 2 weeks (although i feel like i need a lot more than 2 weeks) my partners out of work so we rely on my money :(
it's just all too much :(

09-06-11, 22:27
Thanx for all the replies. It's so good to know ther are others out there who have simialr worries. I avoided going to the doctor for about 6 months and now really regret it. My GP was fantastic and walked me thru all my options and left it up to me. I think I always knew I needed a break & needed a little help but couldn't take the step to admit it at first. i aim to take stock for a while and rediscover my priorities.

What a great site I really do not feel as lonely now as I did a few days ago. Good to go to bed with a bit of hope for a change.


paula lynne
09-06-11, 22:33

09-06-11, 22:47
maybe i should just do it and book the appointment, but it's so hard for me to just pick up the phone and do it, i mentally put it off by saying silly things, like 'oh i'll see how i'm feeling tmoro' and things just get worse and still i've done nothing.
im going on holiday on the 20th and i've found myself making excuses yet again! thinking 'i'll do it after my holiday, maybe i'll feel better'
but i know i wont. my anxiety is stopping from doing something that seems so right.

09-06-11, 23:12
hi lostbuurrd,
Joining a forum like this is a big step. I have only been a member for a few days, but now wish I did it sooner, as I have suffered for a long time without ever speaking to people who have similar feelings of anxiety. speaking to someone really helps. there are so many options out there. My experience of the Gp has always been positive. it took me a while to pluck up the courage to do it but I felt so relieved to speak out loud.

thanks for the repsonding to my newbie status.


10-06-11, 23:09
Welcome to NMP. Have fun! :) Don't be shy to say how your feeling, we are one big *anxious* family! Take care. Rafaela xx.

10-06-11, 23:10
oh tank you so much for your nice encouraging words :)
i do fee as though i need to book an appointment asap :( but now its friday night (my gps not open till monday) and i can see myself just not bothering now :( because i'll say "oh i'll do it monday" but im staying at mums monday night which is in a different town from me and my gp so it seems like it'll be ages before i get the help i need :(

i really want to and we've all made the steps to at least get on this site :) that has to be a sign of progress if anything :)

12-06-11, 19:29
Good luck Lostbuurrd, Just look after yourself, speak to trusted friends & family and you'll get there. Dr's are a big step but you're thinking about it so your nearly there.