View Full Version : Is anybody there?

08-06-11, 20:31

I have suffered from panic attacks for over 10 yes and I've battled some pretty dark days but I never once lost faith that I will eventually come out this the other side, well, that is until today.
The anxiety and panic has been rising (no particular reason) since this morning, it's now 10.30pm where I am and the actual attack has been going on for over 2 hrs. I know this is dramatic but I genuinely feel like I'm dying, I'm in such a state of panic.

Pls anyone with prev exp or advice - how the hell do I get a grip on this.? I'm totally terrified and alone


08-06-11, 20:54
Hey Gale

Are you having an anxiety attack or panic attack?


paula lynne
08-06-11, 20:56
Get a paper bag and re-breathe, or cup your hands over your mouth and nose.
Got any lavender? Sniff away......
Open a window and notice the cool breeze
Put the radio on and really listen to what they are saying
Splash your face with cold water, or use a cold wet flannel around your face and neck
You will be ok. Youve got through this before. It will not hurt you. You are doing it....x

08-06-11, 20:56
Use up that energy now - go for a run. Don't sit and dwell, go and do something to take your mind off things.
Talk to someone as well if you can, this is always a big help.
Its awful to feel like this - but you WILL come out of it. Never trust your perception in times like these.

08-06-11, 21:04
Hi Lisa, I'm not surebi know the difference? Symptoms: heart is pounding, pins and needles in arms, hands, legs and feet. Feel like I can't breathe, so nauseous, stomach is churning. I know I shouldn't but I can't stop pacing, have been for hrs. My husband gets v cross if he sees me like this, he thinks it's completely ridiculous, luckily he went to bed a few hrs ago because of me. Anyway, Worrying about him 'catching'. E in the midst of an attack especially when he is already cross seems to fuel it. I recently moved to Bahrain 3000 miles away from all my family and friends and it times like now I really need a familiar face as obviously no one here knows I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Thanks so much for responding and apologies about rambling on xxx

08-06-11, 21:07
Thanks guys, I will give your suggestions a go, really appreciate your replies x

10-06-11, 11:42
That is probably the strangest post I've ever seen. Bizzarre.

10-06-11, 15:00
Spammer? Off with their head BB :mad:

Ahmedabad indeed.

10-06-11, 15:51
Delete and banned. Thanks for those that reported it

10-06-11, 16:19
Gale, I hope you are feeling better now. I haven't had any palpitations for three weeks now, I think this is because I am channeling all my energy into a project that I have going on at the moment. It seems to be helping, especially doing something that I love. Art & Design. Maybe this could be something you could do too? :flowers:

10-06-11, 16:21
That is probably the strangest post I've ever seen. Bizzarre.

it made me laugh !