View Full Version : great heart now!! reassurance x

08-06-11, 20:55
Just watched the news about a footballer who died of sudden death syndrome, he had tests in hospital over night and they said he was ok!!! I have had 30+ ecgs, 4 24hr ecgs, a week monitor on a cardiac ward, a 3 week monitor and an echo cardiogram and a tilt test..... Do u think anything like sudden death syndrome would have been picked up on?? I have palpitations like little extra beats and fluttery feelings xx thanks guys xxrebecca

08-06-11, 21:14
yeh it would hun im sure ive had nearly as much as you ive had 15 ecgs 3 echos all by different consultants 24 hr monitor 48 monitor and all have been clear my mum has cardio miopathy from a birus and they picked hers up of one ecgs before checking it with a eco if that helps to reassure you

i have all my anixety related round my heart and even though ive had all these checks i still dont belive im ok and still check my heart so i know how horrid it is x

08-06-11, 21:22
Hiya, thanks for message, do u get palpitations at all?? Xx

08-06-11, 21:33
Hi Bexy!

I definitely think you are fine. If you've had that many test there is NO way they could miss anything significant.

I get heart flutters occasionally, they haven't happened since I got on anxiety meds and quit drinking coffee though! They are totally normal from what I have heard from my doctor.

You are good to go! Relax!

09-06-11, 08:07
i get adrenaline rushes they start in my tummy and flushes up my body and make my heart beat faster but only up to 90 beats.

my mums cardoligidst said missed beats are not a problem get up and walk round when they happen

if you anixious then you will get palpations orr times when your heart beat faster the adrenaline is making it do thatx

09-06-11, 08:29
Do you think the fear of the feeling of them will go??? I kinda no they are benign but thing its the feeling that is scarey?? Anyone relate? X

09-06-11, 10:21
i cant even stand to feel my heart beat so im looking for that feeling so i feel it more if that makes sense its a vicious circle ive been like this for 6 years and its awful

are you on any medication? x

09-06-11, 10:41
No not on any medication for the palps I only get on a bad day about 4!! I no others are so worse off than me!! Xx

09-06-11, 16:26
Hi bexy84,
It did say on the news that the footballer had been having chest pains for some time but didn't get them checked out so perhaps it isn't so hard to detect. It's so sad that maybe he would have been alive now if he'd been more health anxiuos like us lot. Sure you'll be fine after all those tests.:)