View Full Version : Up and down - feeling sad

08-06-11, 21:08
I have been taking 20mg a day of Cit for last 3 weeks, yesterday i felt like i could conquer the world was so positive and put myself out there, only to end up talking to a friend who was really down and i struggled to bring her back up. She doesn't know i am taking meds. Today i have felt like I am "off my head" most of the day, really anxious, obsessive thoughts racing on all day long at work, felt so so exhausted. I am feeling scared and tearful this evening, that i will not get better, that everyone will end up finding out i a taking these tablets, i feel alone and i don't really want to bother anyone. Tomorrow is another day so hoping my mood will shift. Is this yoyo-ing mood likely to continue. i just want to feel normal and positive again.

08-06-11, 21:42
Im on Citalopram and i get ups and downs.

09-06-11, 01:05
Its early days for you yet .Good news is you are starting to have the good periods .These will increase until you feel at a stable level .This usually happens around the 6-8 week period of each dose .Take one day at a time until then .You will get there eventually .T/c Luv Sue x

09-06-11, 09:51
I had a horrible night and was increasing my anxiety by thinking about stuff and upsetting myself. I had one big surge of anxiety and then I had a massive word with myself, had a positive attitude on the situation and calmed myself down. I feel so much better. So much better. The tingling in my body stopped and I woke up feeling a little anxious but spoke to myself again and calmed myself down. My mind seems to be working as it should. Thank you for comments.

10-06-11, 13:27
I get ups and downs, my ups lasted like a whole year and was awesome. I hate feeling like a human yo-yo.

11-06-11, 12:28
I think in part this is a natural side effect of depression/anxiety. You should find as time goes on, the downs will start to reduce or level out once the medication gets to work properly. You'll also be able in time to appreciate any downers you get are temporary and this can help you get through them.

Obviously if you feel you are experiencing too many downers or they are concerning you, speak to your GP. There's lots of help available including dosage or medication changes.