View Full Version : what is happening

22-04-06, 11:11
[8D]i wake up every morning and feel scared of the day ahead,then when i get out of bed i am dizzy and feel sick,i come down have breakfast and try to carry on but these niggly feelings are still there,i am on 2mg diazepam a day and 10mg propranalol, also the doctor as put me on citrapol 20mg 1 a day.i have been on these for 6 days now how much longer before i will start to feel better, when is the best time to take these medicines?but by about 7 oclock at night i am feeling my old self can cope and wonder why this occurs in the daytime.


22-04-06, 13:36
I am exactly the same as u, i wake up with a sense of unreality and spaced out with lightheadedness, the feeling of needing to eat something to feel better but when i do no go i stil feel s**t. it takes me till about 5-6pm everday to feel fully focused and awake. its a groggy, hungover type feeling i get even when i aint drank the previous night x

22-04-06, 14:51
the feelings you describe are very common in anxiety,i always felt my worse in the mornings and as the day wore on i usually always felt better. As for your medication it can take in all honesty 6 to 8 weeks before antidepressants kick in properly but most folk usually notice a slight change after around 2 weeks,its also normal for your anxiety to worsen initially when on some types of anti depressants but this should onlylast a few days and can sometimes be pretty tough to ride out th e storm but i think it helps if someone tells you this as it makes it easier to deal with. Hope you feel better soon.

I just want my life back

23-04-06, 00:05
i also want my normal life back thats why i am sticking to the antidepressents to see if they work this time i am fed up of feeling like a alien in someone elses body.o to be back to real life and i dont even drink alcohol.
