View Full Version : back and shoulder problems

22-04-06, 11:44
over the past few days i have had terrible left arm, shoulder and back pains..maybe its to do with im sleeping on the sofa or it could be anxiety...no idea...its just doing my head in


22-04-06, 16:18
sounds like classic sleeping on sofa symptoms to me, sometimes i think it would be better to sleep on top of duvet on the floor rather that be cramped on sofa,just need to be aware of draughts then :D

I just want my life back

23-04-06, 10:57
I think that sounds decidedly like sleeping on the sofa pain. But it is hard cos naxiety causes us to tense muscle, so muscle pain happens more!!

23-04-06, 18:18

If i slept on the sofa darling , i too would be having nasty aches and pains...you need to get in to your nice warm soft bed... oh after a hot relaxing bath..it isnt anything to worry of, anxiety does cause aches/&/pains too all over.


23-04-06, 20:57
Try taking some pain killers to sooth the pain, or a nice long hot bath. It helps to relief the pain when tense.

Scooties Back

24-04-06, 08:31

Ohhh I can not sleep on a sofa, I always wake up with stiff neck or my knees lock and it hurts to move them. What I have found is that a sofa slants so you don't toss and turn as you would in a bed, so you lay in the one postion most of the night and wake up stiff.

Try putting the sofa cushions on the floor, laying flat does help to prevent stiffness.

Take care


24-04-06, 08:34
I suffer from terrible aches and pains in the shoulders and back through tension and anxiety and there is no way I could sleep on a sofa now, I dread to think the agony I would wake up in :( I would think sleeping on the sofa would make you feel very tense if you were already anxious.