View Full Version : Esophegeal cancer, or digestive problems

09-06-11, 04:30
Greetings everyone,

I am a long time sufferer of health anxiety, but have been blessed with a 5 year absence of the curse, but of late it is working its way back into my life.

I have just turned 40, had work problems due to the economy, etc etc, so I know I have some anxiety in my life, and it seems to be turning into health anxiety.

Last week my left toe hurt, still kills me, something wrong there, which steered me towards my health.

Now today I have noticed it feels like I have a lump in my throat, way down by where my throat passes the tips of my collar bones, and I cannot help but wonder if its a growth etc. I have had bad stomach pain and gas prior to the work problems, so I just feel like something is off.

Anyone ever had a lump feeling in their throat like this?

I am right on the edge of panic but not quite there.

09-06-11, 07:28

Sorry to hear your starting to suffer with your health anxiety again. I hope it doesn't get too bad.

The lump in your throat I have had that & it was heartburn/acid reflux. It may pass if you don't get so anxious over it. I know it's easier said then done because I was the same. I am now on heartburn tablets for mine.

It could all be down to anxiety though. I hope you feel better soon.

Keep smiling :)