View Full Version : Anyone tried EFT fro GAD

09-06-11, 15:54
Sorry should have said "for GAD" I was sent this link by someone I knew who suffered so badly she was hospitalized x 2.

She says she was helped by an EFT practitioner and then bought a book and continued to do it and that she is cured.

I have bought the book "EFT for Dummies" but may go and have a practitioner guide me at first. The link In was sent was about how EFT helped GAD and is hown on brain scan images. There are the actual images somewhere on the net but I have posted this link on our heart palps face book page and will post here is this:


09-06-11, 16:34
not heard of that before! but will google it in a bit and see what its all about, what do you think of the book so far? do you think it could help?

09-06-11, 21:57
I've had a couple of sessions of EFT recently and have been taught how to try it on myself. The stuff I did in the sessions did seem to help. Apparently the more you use it, the less you need it. I'm interested in that book you have though, does it seem good? Might invest if so!

10-06-11, 01:05
I am wading through the book. It seems full of hope. Did you check out the link of brain changes after eft? Take a look, its fascinating

I am going to see someone for a few sessions as well. I will let you know what happens...but I would like to be able to do it at home