View Full Version : Scared.

09-06-11, 17:45
Luckily i have a docs app tommorow but i need some advice.
yesterday i had severe stomach cramps which left me in tears. Today i just had a feeling that was someone was washing up in my tummy so i went to the loo and now i have dirraheoa. now im scared of e-coli:lac: or something else.

09-06-11, 17:53
You'll probably find by later this evening you'll start to improve. It sounds just like a "normal tummy bug"
Last week i had terrible stomach cramps that lasted for a few hours but then just disappeared.
It's easy for me to say don't worry, it doesn't sound like anything serious. Have you eaten beans or lentils or dried fruit?

09-06-11, 17:58
thanks. yer i dont have pains now just a weird feeling in my tummy. i booked the docs app three days ago for medication for my anxiety not for the tummy haha. I have baked beans yesterday and i found the pains started after i had a banana. i figured if it was e-coli though id be in so much pain by now :\ but i really dont know. I did about an hour ago have a really bad hot flush though and was sweating a bit.

09-06-11, 17:59
also tryying to keep fluid intake high

09-06-11, 18:01
I'm going through something similar..expect no stomach cramps..just diarrhea..I'm thinking it's a stomach bug but my appetite seems normal..I've had it for 4 days now..ugh..so annoying.

Sometimes the doctor won't prescribe anything..sometimes over the counter items will do the trick.

Drink lots of clear fluids...keep us posted about what the doctor says..

09-06-11, 18:02
If it were e.coli you'd have a fever..and be vomiting..in addition with diarrhea.

09-06-11, 18:07
Thanks. I feel very shaky to. ugh nice to know this could last a while :(.
I'll bring it up with doc tommorow but that wasnt the purpose of the app. anxiety was haha. :)

09-06-11, 18:17
Could be a mixture of the weakness that diarrhea causes (to your body)..plus the anxiety that you are feeling at the moment. Your anxiety could be making it worse..try to relax and get your mind off of it..

Mine is getting better...I've had only one incident so far today..which means it's getting better...I think.

09-06-11, 18:35
Thank you. I hope you feel better soon aswell.
I still want to eat but i know i shouldnt. I had had dinner about an hour ago. Funny thing is i have not come into contact with anyone with the bug. I have a weird feeling in tummy and just got a pain round the side

09-06-11, 18:49
You're welcome.

Try eating soups...and jellos...start off eating light meals..I did the opposite, lol..and most likely made it worse. My boyfriend and I think it stemmed from a salad we both ate..he had diarrhea for only one day..I got it the following day and it's still somewhat going on. I guess my stomach is more sensitive than his! And I made the mistake of having two cups of strong coffee today...the first time this week..I should listen to my own advice and stick with drinking clear liquids..haha. :blush:

And thanks...hope this bug goes away too..if I still feel like this come the weekend..I am booking a doctor appointment!!

09-06-11, 20:50
Try drinking a fizzy drink. It balances out the stomach acid. It always helps me if I think I have a tummy bug. :) Get well soon.

09-06-11, 21:39
Don't you have IBS?

09-06-11, 23:05
Thank you. Personally i would have avoided fizzy drinks. ive had two pints or orange juice since earlier. I think i have ibs but never been diagonised with it. last year i had terrible stomach cramps every day for 6 months but never saw a doc about it. yesterdya i put my pains down to eating to much rubbish and sometimes when i eat i get pain in chest like food is stuck so think i have indgetion to. i also burp a lot. anyway i havnt been to the loo since that one time but i have a little ache in my tummy at the moment. my mum said she would bring home some dirraohea tablets but dont know whether i need them or not

09-06-11, 23:24
also occasionly i burp up sick - like now urgh :(

Deepest Blue
10-06-11, 00:27
Hi Emma,

This sounds a bit like IBS ? Do you think you may have that or been diagnosed with it before ?

Take care x

10-06-11, 12:25
Hiya. Doc said stomach bug n gave me Hydrooxzine 25mg to take for anxiety. ONE thing i forgot to mention is that i woke up with a stinging in corner of eye this morning. round tear duct. in a huge huge panic again grr.

10-06-11, 19:18
It still stings sometimes now n it started the second I woke

10-06-11, 20:04
Hope you feel better..regarding the bug. I like to report that I think I am over this stomach bug!! Thank goodness..

The issue with your eye could be a stye? Apply a warm wet towel eye..hope that helps..

10-06-11, 20:24
Glad u feel better. I'm so scared about eye; a while ago I had this stinging in spot on forehead.

10-06-11, 23:55
i have just got beck from the A&E dept, cause NHS direct advised me to, I was having reaaly bad somach cramps then I had diorrea, but it was like black tar, so i completleu panicked, called the doc and they asked me to go to the badger clinc, which is for mor non urgent stuff. Anyway at first he was saying it could be do to with a stomach bleed bacause of the black and so i thought omg, he suggested a couple of procedures thet he could do, which did not sound pleasent uugghh! but when he called us back into his room he said that it is more than likely i have a tummy bag and temp is slightly raised. And he thinks it was black cause i take iron tablet on and off, but ihad never had this before. He said to keep an eye on it, if it gets worse to go back. I haven't had any more bowel movement since, and my tummy is sore but that could just be down to the anxiety.
Well my anxietyhas been heigtened by about 100£ today and have had sleping tablet o help calm me down, and it's just and im fading it harder to type, so tonight all, and hope everyone feels better xx

11-06-11, 17:21
Hi. I would of panicked to. I feel better now. Hope u do to. Today though I realised how sometimes I can spend three days in sitting down panicking n now I'm scared of blood clots which can happen from not moving. I get bad numbness and pains in fingers n ankle cramps. Sometimes I go so numb I can't walk

11-06-11, 18:09
Im also to scared to take the hydrooxyzine. I see my doc on the 20th but I'm scared as somedays I feel soo sick I just move from my bed to the sofa n use my laptop all day

11-06-11, 19:49
Hi Emma, I know exactly how u feel, how this damn anxiety takes over our lifes. Before when I was a normal person when I had that diarreoa last night it wouldn't have bothered me and I certainly wouldn't have been consulting NHS Direct. This anxeity makes us so heightened to the sliggtest change in our bodies, that we instantly think there must be something wrong. Ihave almost convinced myself now that I have just a simple tummy bug and my poo was black cause of the iron tablet. Still a bit worried about a stomach bleed tho, but I gotta force myself not to let that thought take over. I hope you are feeling better soon, and remember that this horrible anxeity can cause all sorts of physical symptons including changes to our bowel movements xxx

12-06-11, 12:32
Thanks. This morning I woke and in my thigh in one place I got a feeling like blOod was having to force it's self through my veins and it was pulsing and then it twitched I get this sometimes in different Places. Even more scared of a clot now

12-06-11, 12:57
My mum also just tried for fifteen mins to get the gas cooker on and was pressing the button violently and now the whole house stinks of gas but because she can't read or write she doesn't understand about the dangers and screamed at me when I begged her to stop

12-06-11, 13:02
I'm terrified to the point I'm in tears and shaking but my mum refuses to ring to get it fixed

12-06-11, 13:07
It works if we use matches to light the hobs but I'm terrified the gas is poisonus or there will be a leak or an explosion grrrrr. I don't want to be left here on my own today and my parents are just acting like normal

12-06-11, 13:11
Would an explosion happen straight away... I feel like if I can't calm down soon im going to end up having a panic attack

12-06-11, 13:22
i also think i can still smell it even in lounge.. im also scared the gas will poison me or stop me breathing. she would not stop pressing it violentky for fifteen mins inside my nose also feels funny n like i cant breathe throygh it n it feels tight

12-06-11, 13:24
my parents ave left now and im shaking with the thiught of a gas explosionn

12-06-11, 14:16
I'm really really upset n panicky about it all

12-06-11, 14:17
I know nothing about gas but I'm scared and I can't convince mum to get it fixed

12-06-11, 14:41
Would an explosion of happened by now I'm tying to distract my self but the more I do the more I think about it

12-06-11, 15:03
I just made the mistake of googling and it said it can cause a gas explosion arghh

12-06-11, 15:04
And if that happens cam cause fatal injury or death

15-06-11, 16:58
my mum is now using matches to light the oven/grill/hobs but it looks so dangerous. we just had yet another 10 mins struggle and it stank again. she says she doesnt have time to phone them so i offered to do it and she just shouted and screamed. this is really worrying and scaring me. my nose also feels funny now to. Its not even funny how scared i am. Im scared im gonna suffocate or die.