View Full Version : Bruising and Lymphoma?

09-06-11, 17:46
Today I went to see my Doctor about my swollen lymph node (which is shrinking :)) and my petechiae. She said the petechiae is nothing to worry about. But since I got home I've realised there's now small purple bruises around some of the petechiae spots. I'm terrified of Lymphoma. I was so happy to hear my lymph node had reduced in size, but now the bruises have arrived I'm more scared than before. Everytime I get rid of one symptom, another one shows. :weep: Any advice or reassurance?

09-06-11, 17:59
Have you been rubbing the spots? if you're preoccupied with them you may have subconciously been rubbing them which could account for the bruising?

09-06-11, 18:08
Hi :D!

Lymphoma is one of my biggest worries as I have swollen nodes. Infact, I spent my 20th birthday last year obsessing over it.
I just wanted to reassure you that lymphoma is not usually a cause of bruising/petechiae.
I saw on someone else's post that you said you had had a blood test and the results were normal. Brusing and petechiae, i think, are usually a result of severe anaemia that blood cancers and other more common things can cause. But seen as though you don't have anaemia, then its more likely that your symptoms are due to something minor.
Anaemia would definitely have shown up in your blood tests - and is a fairly common thing which could be due to a lack of iron.
I know its hard because worrying about lymphoma is such a horrible feeling, but i promise you, you do not have it.
Have you been poking/pressing on the petechiae? That could have caused some bruising.

If your doctors had any serious worries they would have followed up on your appointment immediately.

Oh!! and if your gland is shrinking, that proves that it isn't lymphoma because lymphoma nodes don't shrink...they grow. It's more likely an infection.

Keep smiling and try not to focus on it too much!! Oh and don't google haha :) xxxx

09-06-11, 20:00
Thanks so much for this. I feel a lot better. I think you're right- I probably caused the bruises myself by poking at them. Also, on my way to the Doctors today I walked into a tree and banged my arm, :doh: so I'm guessing that could have caused the bruising too.

09-06-11, 21:21
Hi :D!

Lymphoma is one of my biggest worries as I have swollen nodes. Infact, I spent my 20th birthday last year obsessing over it.
I just wanted to reassure you that lymphoma is not usually a cause of bruising/petechiae.
I saw on someone else's post that you said you had had a blood test and the results were normal. Brusing and petechiae, i think, are usually a result of severe anaemia that blood cancers and other more common things can cause. But seen as though you don't have anaemia, then its more likely that your symptoms are due to something minor.
Anaemia would definitely have shown up in your blood tests - and is a fairly common thing which could be due to a lack of iron.
I know its hard because worrying about lymphoma is such a horrible feeling, but i promise you, you do not have it.
Have you been poking/pressing on the petechiae? That could have caused some bruising.

If your doctors had any serious worries they would have followed up on your appointment immediately.

Oh!! and if your gland is shrinking, that proves that it isn't lymphoma because lymphoma nodes don't shrink...they grow. It's more likely an infection.

Keep smiling and try not to focus on it too much!! Oh and don't google haha :) xxxx

I agree with this..my dear aunt was diagnosed with lymphoma this past year...and hers (lymph nodes in her neck and back only grew bigger). She's at the moment cancer free..and doing fine!

Please stop worrying..you've done good by getting checked out..and seems like the doctor isn't worried about it, either.

09-06-11, 21:33
Thanks. :)
Glad to hear that you're aunty is doing fine. :D

09-06-11, 21:44
Thank you..I am glad too..as I am very close to her.