View Full Version : Bad symptoms, plus stress :(

09-06-11, 18:21
I am a 16 year old female, and i am starting college in a few weeks.

I am experiencing alot of symptoms, i don't know whether this could be to do with the fact that ive got exams at the moment and im going to college in a few weeks which im extremely anxious about. But please don't rule out anything else i say, as this is a problem i have with many people, including doctors.

These are the symptoms ive been getting :

-Stomach pain
-Stomach Acid (Constant, either worsens or gets better when i eat, especillay worse in the mornings)
- Really weird sensations in the heart area, like a pump of adrenaline going up my body.
- Extremely bad dizzyness
- Feeling like im going to pass out or faint
- Chest pains
- Shivers
- Headaches and pains behind my left eye mostly (these are constant)

I am mostly worried about the headaches, they get almost unbearable at times, my dad and mum constantly tell me there is nothing to worry about, i have been to the doctors and they just tell me that its normal, or its down to anxiety. This really worrys me, i get the feeling ive got something wrong and they will just think its anxiety.

Also i read a post on here earlier about 'sudden death syndrome' or something, now this is my new worry. Is this possible? i have had a blood test and ecg on my heart, that was about 6 months ago, and everything was fine. Could something have developed since then? Ahhh im going crazy! I need to be able to focus on my exams and things and its not going well at all, please help me, does this all sound normal? :(

09-06-11, 18:28
Hunny anxiety can cause ALL this. please try and calm down. the pain behind ears is the muscle tension. I too have this and have had all this and more. x

09-06-11, 18:29
Your 16 trust me you are NOT seriously ill

09-06-11, 18:32
Considering you've had some recent blood work...you should be fine. Sounds just like anxiety related to college exams...relax and take a deep breath. You will be fine. :)

Avoid sugary drinks..soda pop...caffeine...it will make it worse.

09-06-11, 18:36
Well the blood test was 6 months ago, im just convinced there is something wronmg with my head, like the feelings i get are so horrible! I can't concentrate because i feel like my head is almost moving on its own because it gets so lightheaded! :(

09-06-11, 18:39
Duke. Honestly i have this to but when i stop thinking about it, it goes. You need to relax and do something fun that interests you.

09-06-11, 18:42
Nothing drastic can happen within 6 months...you are 16..I'm sorry but like the other poster said...you are too young to be thinking it could be something more serious...usually severe changes in a person's body happens later on in their life.

Seems like you JUST have bad anxiety..we all get it sometimes..how long have you had anxiety..considering how old you are a doctor won't prescribe you medication..? Or perhaps talking to a therapist will do the trick, instead.

09-06-11, 18:45
Duke, does your doctor know had bad your anixety is. If your not on the list for counessling/cbt i reckon booking to see your doc and discussing this is the right way forward for you:) good luck.

09-06-11, 18:54
Well i do see a counciller, but i don't think its helping at the moment.
I just feel so ill and weak, im not getting any sleep because im so petrified of dying in my sleep. I just hope everythihng turns out okay this is taking over my life :(

09-06-11, 20:04
You sound like me hub I'm a few yeRs older than you but I get tge adrenaline you describe as well as tge other symptoms I've mo advise as I'm really having a hard time at the mo but please pm me if you want to chat x