View Full Version : Blocked eustachian tubes

cheesy pete
09-06-11, 19:35

Anybody else suffered with this, it's driving me to despair. Comes and goes in waves but today has been awful. Head feels under pressure, full if cotton wool, balance (even sitting down) all over place. On nasal spray to try and open up but 10 days on and no joy to date. Any suggestions?

09-06-11, 20:28
Do you find blowing your nose unblocks it? Usually makes a whooshing or clicking sound when you pinch your nostrils and blow.

Other than that, I would get your GP to refer you to ENT specialist who can investigate further.

cheesy pete
09-06-11, 20:34

Unfortunately that doesn't help. Even when i hold my nose and breath out, my ears don't pop more like a 'whoomp' sound. Got an appointment with my GP in the morning so will see what she says.

09-06-11, 21:24

I have been suffering with this for a few days. I thought I was coming down with a cold or something then I woke this morning after a heavy sleep. Went downstairs and was walking all over the place. Booked to see doctor who said he had a lot of people coming in holding on to things. He says that these things don't usually come in an epidemic but he says I have Labarinitus a infection in the inner ear ear that causes a fullness and walking off balance, dizziness etc...

Scared me slightly thought I'd had a stroke or something..


12-06-13, 21:39

I have had Eustachian tube issues too. Suffering from Sinusitis, every time an upper respiratory infection comes along, the "Ear Nightmare" begins. Then searching the net, I came across a homeopathic website. Where a doctor prescribed certain remedies that worked like magic. I will mention the same to you and others who might be interested in curing the Eustachian tube issues.

1. Mercurius Dulcis 30c Drops
Take 3-4 drops in half cup of water. Thrice a day on empty stomach
The herb helps reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes, enabling
the Eustachian tube back to its normal width, thus allowing

2. Kali Muraticum 6x, pallets (Pills) 3 pills, thrice a day om empty stomach
keep a gap of 30 minutes between medicine 1 & 2. This medicine helps
in thinning of the mucous and its easy drainage. Avoid Garlic during days
of treatment.

Other remedies that are use for Eustachian tube issues are:

1. Pulsatilla Nigricans 30c Drops.
These are especially good for mucous that has tendencies like glue, i.e.
for Glue ear syndrome.

2. Kali Sulphuricum 30 C, Drops
Good in Colds and upper respiratory infection that lead to ear problems.
Especially in early stages.

Deafness from congestion of the tympanic cavity, or with catarrh and swelling of Eustachian lining. Worse in a heated room, with a yellow, slimy coating on the tongue. Earache, with discharge of watery or yellow matter. Secretion of thin, bright-yellow, or greenish fluid after inflammation. (Thick, pus-like discharge, Calc. sulph.) Pain under the ear, sharp, cutting pain, tension, stitches and piercing below the mastoid process. Stinking otorrhoea. Polypoid excrescence closes the meatus.

Colds with yellow, slimy expectoration's, or discharge of watery matter. Patient feels generally worse in the evening or in a heated room. Decidedly yellow or yellowish-green discharges from the nose. After Ferr. phos. in colds, if the latter does not produce free perspiration and the skin remains dry. Old catarrh with yellowish, viscous secretion. Nose obstructed, together with yellowish discharge from the nares. Smell lost. Itching of nose.

3. Belladonna 30c Drops
Nightshade herb family. Very powerful medicine for when there is pain in
ear especially right-sided. Take 2-3 drops only in half cup of water.

Keep these remedies always handy for future cold and infections that might lead to Eustachian tube issues. Use German make homeopathy only. Believe me, this will work.

Good luck.
