View Full Version : introducing myself

22-04-06, 13:00
hi there

my names deb, i just wanted to introduce myself, i have health anxiety and a friend of mine recommended this site (actually it was my lovely psychologist from my daughters ward...lovely woman...please dont think im a nutter), i am constantly thinking i have cancer, i have abdominal pain, shortness of breath, lack of appetite, racing heart palpitations, i was wondering does anyone else have these symptoms.My lovely beautiful gran was diagnosed last april with advanced breat cancer, my 2 year old daughter was diagnosed on june 15th last year with leukaemia and i lost my nan on 27th july due to her cancer last year and since then ive lost my daughter nearly twice, i tthink thats why im like this, im really panicked about my symptoms though does anyone else have these.please dont think im a nutter.love deb

debra duffield

22-04-06, 13:33
no way are you a nutter. most people can relate to this. i used to have all them at the beginning, but now its a sense of unreality and lightheadedness like my body aint attached to me never be worried we are all here to help you x

Two heads
22-04-06, 14:31
Hi debra!You poor thing you sound like you really have had a rocky time of it,no wonder you have this condtion hun.I myself have health anxiety and it can get me down badly also.
We all really no how you feel,you are not a nutter,just someone who has had aruff time of it lately.I expect it is the stress thats not helped.I have all these symptoms and more, so dont worry yourself anymore![I know thats hard}
Im here if you ever need agood moan,it always makes me feel better anyway.xxxx

22-04-06, 15:04
well welcome to the nut house then cause we must all be the same. Its no wonder you have health anxiety with all the stress in your life,be rest assured that you are not alone,most of us here will tell you that every ache and pain heralds the start of another worry and that we have suffered every anxiety symptom possible at one time or another
welcome and take care

I just want my life back

23-04-06, 11:20

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some hew friends.

Try this link on all the symptoms of anxiety see if it helps:

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-04-06, 15:58
Hi Deb and welcome to the forum!:D

23-04-06, 16:06
Hi Debra

Welcome aboard. You are not alone and read all you can on the website as well for reassurance

Lovely to see you here.


24-04-06, 09:17
Hi Deb,

So sorry to hear about your Nan, and I hope your daughter is on her way to recovery.

I have a phobia of being sick and panic in every situation associated, but since Nov last year this has manifested into Health anxiety!

It really makes me feel guilty to query my health so much when there are actual sick people out there!

Look forward to hearing more about you in the future!

Take care

Hay x

24-04-06, 10:16
Hi Debra

As the others say you are not a nutter you have been through so much & we are all here to offer any extra support for you.

You will find lots of great help & support & really good advice on here.

Take care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

24-04-06, 13:37
Hi Jo from northampton here. im a paramedic of 10 yrs. i have panics and every symptom except hyperventilating, vomiting being the worst. i associate food with being sick and being nauseas with panic, so i stopped eating much and lost so much weight, i look anorexic but i love food! I know all there is to know about medication for depression, anatomy and physiology, i analyse every stage my body goes through and feel so alone. I cry alot and have felt suicidal but would never do anything silly - there is always someone to hold ur hand - this webite is new to me and I am lost without hearing all your stories. WE ARE NOT MAD - we are delicate and sensitive, and usually only intelligent people get anxiety, whenever anyone feels lost they just need to get on line. I ate yesterday and today, whilst on this site! forgot to feel sick! love to you all! JO XXXX