View Full Version : Trembling

09-06-11, 21:04
I've developed, over the couple of years, a tremble which i can feel through out my body. It never seems to go away and is most noticeable when my neck trembles and causes my head to wobble. I feel like its a pathetic thing to worry about but i cant stop, my gp thinks its caused by the anxiety and judging by what ive read this seems most probable.

Social phobia has also become an issue for me and that coupled with trembling makes things a lot worse. Like i said i feel stupid for worrying about it but it really bugs me, has anyone else had the same problem and if so what did you do to help. Would really appreciate any replies.


09-06-11, 21:16
Welcome to NMP Rob.

What age group are you? Anxiety can cause these types of problems but do you find nerves aggravate your trembling, or is it something that's constantly present?

09-06-11, 21:21
Im 22 and its something that is always there, however it can get worse when im faced with situation that causes anxiety.

09-06-11, 21:27
Go back to your doc Rob and ask about propranolol, which can steady your nerves and trembling. It's obviously making your SA worse which is understandable. Explain this to your doc, as it's so treatable. Have you also had any blood tests?

You certainly shouldn't feel "stupid" for worrying.

09-06-11, 21:36
I tried propranolol recently and it seemed to help slightly but the trembling was still there. I also feel that theres a slight problem with my balance, when standing i sway either backwards or forwards (slightly). Wish i would just go away. Thanks for your replies by the way.

09-06-11, 22:45
Hi Rob
I also have a 'tremor'. I was diagnosed with GAD 8 yrs ago. My tremor is also worse when Im anxious. A big stressor for me is paying for shopping at the checkout. It is embarrassing! which then makes me more self concious and that makes the tremor worse. im sure people think I m an alcoholic or drug addict! Any way I was prescribed imipramine a ssri antidepressant ( did nt really work one of its side effecs is tremor!! yup go figure!) I also have problems with my balance and i drag my foot slightly on the left. Ive now been prescribed lyrica to take alongside my current med. fingers crossed it works !! i couldnt believe that a psychological problem could have such a physical effect on the body. Just wanted to say youre not alone and I hope you have better luck finding a solution. Sarah

10-06-11, 11:29
Hi sarah,

I hate queing up in shops as well, nice to know im not alone with that one! Good luck with the new tablets, id be interested to know if they work, if you get a chance let me know. Thank you very much for the reply.
