View Full Version : anxiety

09-06-11, 21:34
I am 16 years old and have recently been told I have anxiety. Everything good that happens I am finding ways to think of the negative points which is really bringing me down. Because I am so young I dont know if this is just a stage you go through about fearing death ect because I understand it more and I will get over it or if im going to have this constant panic the rest of my life because I have always been a worrier. My doctor is wanting to put me on tablets for it but being so you I suggested I should try and deal with it myself and change my own thoughts before using medication so any tips on how to help with this would be much appreciated.

Thanks :)

paula lynne
09-06-11, 22:40
Hi Lauren. use the search facility and type in CBT, lots of threads on how to change your thought processes from neg to pos. Nice to meet you x :)

10-06-11, 02:11
thank you very much :), i wasnt sure where to start because i am new to this x

10-06-11, 14:02
hi Lauren,
Perhaps ask your GP to refer you for CBT which is a course of going to see someone who will ask you to talk about your anxiety and help you to counter negative thoughts with positive realistic thoughts. CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is supposed to be the best type of therapy for anxiety, don't be put off by the idea of going for therapy you don't have to lie on a couch like they do on tv lol
If you don't feel good about going to see a therapist, there's some great books out there that can help. I just went to the library and literally got out anything to do with anxiety then skimmed through them to see if there's anything useful in there that I'd like to look into more carefully.
Best wishes x

10-06-11, 23:09
thanks very much, my doctor has told me to go back in a couple of weeks because he was going to pass my check list on to a therapist. I know I can get over this but it is just knowing where to start and a couple of sessions of therapy may just do the trick. I will look in my local library for books on it as well and these websites are great you know your not the only one going through it.

thanks again x