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View Full Version : So nervous!

22-04-06, 13:24
I have had sinus problem and headache for 3 months now. I went to the doctor she said she thinks it was sinus innfection, cuz I've had it so long and by my symptoms I described. She gave me antibiotics, a decongestant, and ibuprofen for the headache. This had triggered my anxiety/panic disorder through the roof! I've taken the meds for 4 days and I don't feel any better yet so I'am even more worried that it won't help me at all! I shake when i think about it, and get bad headaches in the back of my head and top of my forehead hurts. My ear is buzzin' all the time! I have another appointent that I made with a ENT(ear.nose,throat specialist) for May 1st.
Does anyone else suffer from this? Is it possible that my anxiety and nerves, and panic over this are making my head and the sinus worse?


22-04-06, 16:14
when my sinuses were bad i had it on top of my head,back of head and behind nose, the area affected tends to tell you which sinuses are upset and with most people its usually mixed but with me itwas def my sphenoid sinuses and thats classic top and base of skull and i had some crackers, to be honest with you antibiotics and other pills and potions dont always work, for me i took the steroid spray for 3 months and it stopped mine ive had no more bother for around 5 months now butalas summer is approaching. Im sure that anxiety does play a part in it because i know i made mine worse by worrying about it, i am sure that you have nothing serious wrong with you just something which makes you feel miserable.Try to stop worrying about it and that will help i promise.

I just want my life back

22-04-06, 18:57

First of all, a HUGE congrats on going to your appointment...plus another one is in store because you made another appt. for you in May. You have accomplished a lot!

You will get this thing sorted out just be patient and continue to be brave and things should start to feel better for you. Look at what you've done..I am so proud of you.

Take Care of You,


22-04-06, 20:22
Thank you both SO much for responding and for the kind encouraging words, it does help to know that someone understands.
I'am most worried because it doesn't seem better yet and its been a while. The second night I took the meds, I was in really bad pain, worse then ever before. I went ito the doctors first thing the next morning and told her, she said it was because the meds were "breaking it all up" I said you think thats why i hurt SO much"???, she said "I don't think it I know it" lol...then gave me the prescription for ibuprofen 800...I guess I have to believe what she tells me but its so hard when I don't feel any better yet. I can breath through my nose also, but i guess its deeper than my nostrils, I can feel blockage sometimes, and every morning I'am stuffed up. She never said anything about my buzzing ear???
Ok ...I will try to be more patient and try to calm myself down.
I have been would up tighter than a rubber band for weeks now, noticed that when I lay in bed to sleep and just starting to relax i get muscle spasms, (i think) little jerks in my leg or arm even my head! Is that just because my body is trying to relax, anyone ever feel that?

Thanks again.

24-04-06, 00:05
Yep I've had the spasms periodically when I'm trying to sleep or relax all my life, different parts of my hody including those parts you said.