View Full Version : I'm new, hello

09-06-11, 23:00
Hello everyone,

I found your forum typing in words like "scared" and "panicky" into google a long while ago on a lonely night filled with despair, and not knowing what to do. I don't know what I was looking for, but really like the idea of your website.

Now just introducing myself and posting my first thread!

I think I have been suffering for a few years before one day I just crashed. The doctor sent me home with diazapam which felt great! I came off them but have stayed on Fluoxetine for about two years now and trying to come off. I think I am ready although I have trip-ups occasionally. I am worried it will all happen again and go out of control. Quite worrying that lots and lots of posts that say "have been on and off" mediation for long periods such as 10 and 20 years.

Still, hoping it all goes ok and best wishes for anyone reading this. :flowers:

09-06-11, 23:02
Hi Ayushi

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-06-11, 23:11
hi there, i have just joined this too, so we already have something in common lol
Rather than look at when and how long you stay on medication just prepare yourself to be on what ever for how ever long it takes, it took me a long time to even take medication as i was not a fan, but now wish i had done it years ago, i have managed to live with my condition and medication, yes i still have major ups and downs but i use then to my strengths and when i am down its time to slow down and let nature take its cause.
Keep positive and listen to how you feel


09-06-11, 23:42
Hi Darren,

Thanks for your reply. Hope its going well for you. Quite cool making contact. Like this site already!

10-06-11, 23:01
Welcome to NMP :) Have fun, have a wander around, great threads on here. Don't be afraid to say how you feel, we are all one big *anxious* family. Rafaela xx.