View Full Version : So Fed Up With This...

09-06-11, 23:09
I've been doing great for so long, but the past few months I've taken a turn. My health anxiety was in check, but now it's creeping up on me again. I'm at the peak of my life. I'm 30, have family who loves me, a partner who's been with me for six years, and a great new apartment. I just hate feeling so depressed. I was on Venlafaxine for 7 years, but because of the side effects I have been tapering off. I also have no health insurance at the moment, so I can't see a doc or get into therapy as easily as I used to be able to.

What is frustrating me is that my depression isn't mental. It's mostly physical. Tired, uninterested in the things I used to love to do, achy, PVCs are at it again...I just want to feel good. They say exercise helps, but I'm lucky I shower on my days off work. My mood is effected by my physical symptoms. That's why I say the depression is physical.

Does anyone have any pointers how to get out the the physical symptoms of depression? It's so hard and frustrating to read about how my friends are doing so many great things (beach, hiking, biking, swimming, working out) and I am just a blob that sits on the computer. UGH.

Sorry for the ramble, but just wanted to let some feelings out...:weep: