View Full Version : HA is ruining me

10-06-11, 00:54
Please someone help. I am going mad with worrying about my health. I have has panic attacks for 3 yrs now and thought i was getting better upto xmas started having headaches again so they sent me for mri all clear. 6 months later i am now having heart palpatations. just got back from holiday where i was rushedd to hos[ital for atack had all blood tests and xrays nothing wrong. Now i am having burning and pressure feeling in my head and face....... Dont want to go to doctors again some one please help..............................:weep:

10-06-11, 08:39
Could be sinusitis, but not likely to be anything really bad.

10-06-11, 11:12
When symptoms move around alot then this can be a sign that the cause is severe anxiety about health as the body is permanently tense and this affects all the body. Read the symptoms page on left and bet you will be going yes yes yes!

You have had a clear mri so whatever is causing your head symptoms is not and cannot be anything sinister, not saying you are not suffering horribly but the cause is not horrible. You have had your heart checked and know that it is normal so when you get the horrible palps and ectopics etc then you know yes it horrible but not harmful.

I am now trying to give any symptom at least a week before I see my GP, my husband does not have HA and I always run the symptom by him and ask what he would do and if he says I would wait and see if it goes away then I try very hard to do this.