View Full Version : Pinky returns! Head shock worries!!

10-06-11, 11:25
Hi everyone, Its not often i feel the need to post on NMP just lately (infact its been quite a while)and I have been doing so well, despite the minor blip. Just recently arrived back from my lovely wedding to Lion King on the Island of Rhodes and it seems the stress and anxiety I had left at home was waiting for me on my return, what a bummer eh?? Mths of cruising along nicely without anxiety hitching a lift was thwarted by a bit of stress, but as we sufferers are all too aware the slightest bit of stress (Wedding/holiday planning in my case) can tip you over the edge good and proper. I wont bore you all with the details and I dont need telling that the majority of what I am experiencing is a symptom of this monster within but I do he does seem to have added a new symptom this time. I call this new cluster of symptom Head shocks!! In my forehead to the left (always in the same place) like a pain/ electric shock/zap that lasts about a second or 2 then lingers dully for several minutes afterwards. I have never experience anything like this before n my life and its ever so worrying as been an Anxiety victim I am now worrying that I could have a brain tumour. I do hope not, I've so much i still want to do with my life.....like watch lots of tele n go to the pub :winks:

Answers on a postcard please :winks:

10-06-11, 13:10
Hey Pink Piglet.
I get this too and it scares the poop out of me! I instantly stop and focus on it waiting for my brain to blow up or something!! Once it stops I'm ok but sometimes it can keep happening on and off for the day or days! I find it's worse around period time and if I have a bit of a sore neck. New symptoms pop up alot with me these days so I'm not surprised to hear it's a new thing for you! I guess the human body just does these things throughout our existence, but for those without anxiety it goes unnoticed......u'll be just fine. Get involved in something you enjoy and let it go :winks:


10-06-11, 14:03
Thanks Kel! and its funny you should mention the sore neck as mine as felt a little stiff and achey too. I do tend to get most of my symptoms in my head, dizziness, derealization, foggy head etc... i also dont breath properly to the point that people notice this. I guess its all related but I just crave that reassurance so thankyou fpr your reply x