View Full Version : Hello Everybody!

10-06-11, 12:34
Hello Everyone,

I'm kinda new to this forum, I've been lurking in the background for about a month now and finally decided to sign up. I've sufferred with depression with high levels of anxiety and insomnia on and off for about 10 years now, the start of my current episode was Christmas 2009 when I was so bad I had to take time off work and I couldn't even leave the house on my own due to panic attacks :( It's probably the most demeaning feeling in the world to have your freedom take away from you like that and I really feel for anyone going through a similar situation at the moment. After a couple of months on Fluoxetine though I started to feel better and slowly but surely I managed to leave the house. I've been back in work for over a year now and even though I'm not 100% I can step back and see the progress I've made.

I'm having a bit of trouble with my medication at the moment, I switched from Fluoxetine to Mirtazipine in January due to long term side-effects that wouldn't go away. After a few months on the Mirtazipine I decided it wasn't for me due to the grogginess during the day (Regardless of the time in the evening I took it) so my specialist put me on Citalopram. This was when I started looking at these forums (Psycopoets Citalopram Survival Guide to be exact). The Citalopram didn't agree with me, after a few weeks I went to my Doctor and he took me off them and put me on a low dose of the Mirtazipine, this was a couple of weeks ago. I'm due back at the specialist next week and then the doctors, so far all the issues I was having whilst on the Citalopram have gone away and I'm feeling pretty stable.

Anyway, I tend to ramble too..


10-06-11, 12:36
Hi jogPLC

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes