View Full Version : Hi All

10-06-11, 14:09
Hi everyone,

My name is Sam, I'm 26 years old and from the Midlands.

I've had enough of life and went to the doctors yesterday for someone to talk too and was give a prescription for Fluoxetine 20mg.

I have a lot going on in life and I feel nothing but a let down, nothing to feel proud of. So lost in life at the minute I cry at anything and everything. I don't have many friends that sit and listen they but in and talk about there lifes etc etc. so have been bottling things up for around 2 years, I feel so alone :( I have a boyfriend, but I can't talk to him about stuff I feel he judges me and doesn't listen and gets funny with so don't bother him with how I feel.

I'm sooo tired but going to bed I can't sleep, i'm lying staring at the ceiling, if I do go to sleep I wake up every other hour :(

Looking forward to talking to folks on here


10-06-11, 14:10
Hi takethatfan1

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-06-11, 15:33
Hi Sam

I'm sure you'll find lots of help on here. You ought to go on to the chat room when you are able to, as there is nearly always someone on there and they are all in the same boat, so they won't judge you or be negative about you because of the way you feel.

I had a lot of trouble with sleep when I was depressed (waking up constantly and then finally waking up and not being able to get back to sleep at all), but I am now much better after the anti-depressants (Sertraline) started to work. I am sure you will feel better once your Fluoxetine has kicked in. It can take a few weeks to feel the benefit.

Welcome to NMP then Sam, I hope you get as much out of being a member here as I have done.:)


10-06-11, 22:57
Welcome to NMP :) Have fun, don't be afraid to say how you feel. We are all one big *anxious* family. You have described pretty much my life. It sucks having anxiety at such a young age. I've had it since I was 12 I'm now 16. If you want to talk feel free to PM me. Enjoy your time on the site! Rafaela xx.