View Full Version : strange feelings *please read*

10-06-11, 14:52
hi again, ok im having a very strange anxiety problem at the minute i can only describe it as becoming aware of my arms and legs and then its like im concentrating on them being there and its as if they dont feel like mine or like i have to force myself to move my arms or walk. i know this is anxiety because as soon as i do something like watch tv or play xbox it disappears because im not thinking about it but its worse at night whilst trying to get to sleep. almost feels like my head is on the wrong body if that makes any sense to anyone? just wondered if this has happened to anyone else? also whilst trying to get to sleep has anyone ever jolted awake feeling like they cant breathe or something is terribly wrong with you?

10-06-11, 16:17
Hi lee I'm victoria I'm 17 and I have the exact same problem I feel like nothing is mine its horrible I have strange feelings in my head and get hot and cold , difficulty hearing and sore ribs .. I'm really worried I don't know what else to do .. I've just started going to psychology and hope its going to work but I'm spaced out every single day every minute and its scary for me because I keep thinking I'm going to die could you suggest anything to try get myself back in my own body :(

Luv vic x

10-06-11, 17:38
hi, the only thing i find that helps is distraction, trying something to take your mind off it for a while such as tv or playing xbox or i go to the driving range just anything to take my mind off it, the nights are the worst part but its trying to force your brain to think of other things really, good luck