View Full Version : I am SO GLAD I FOUND THIS SITE

10-06-11, 15:55
Just wanted to introduce myself and tell you all I am SO glad that there is a website for people who struggle with depression/ anxiety, etc. My family is sympathetic but it's like they don't quite understand, you know? A little bit about me, I am a classic anxiety-ee who has a bad habit of googling physical symptoms and struggling with obsessive thoughts. I have struggled with this my whole life, it's made me somewhat depressed. I have panic attacks and irrational thoughts I obsess over, I have been in and out of therapy since I was little (went into therapy when I asked my kindergarten teacher if the glue she was distributing to the class was non- toxic haha) and on and off of may types of medicine (medicine just makes me drowsy with the exception of the occasional xanax) . I thought I was alone in this, I always thought I was the only 20 y.o girl with this, but I hope that i can connect with you guys and we can find some comfort in one another! registering to a website like this makes me feel quite a bit better (for the time being, you know how that goes with anxiety!)
thanks guys,
"rain" (not my real name but don't want future employers/ others seeing my posts)

10-06-11, 15:56
Hi NailBiter

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

~glowly worm~
10-06-11, 16:51
Hello Rain :)

you are most def. NOT alone, i to have similar problems and suffered as long as i can remember, medication barely helps me and also i get drowsy and have been in and out of therapy 16 yrs (am almost 30).

This site...has been my lifeline, never feel afraid to post, people here have been the most valuable source in my recovery (which is ongoing), I hope you find this place as useful and look forward to seeing u in the chatroom (if u feel it would help) when you are able.

I have particularly found the forums of 'top tips' 'recovery stories' and 'natural remedies' to be helpful.

Welcome aboard!

~glow~ xxx

11-06-11, 15:07
You sound a lot like me haha. I hope the site is helpful for you and it's so good to know that you aren't alone!

11-06-11, 15:43
welcome aboard hopefully all members will gain strengh and happeness from here :)

11-06-11, 16:30
I think we are all the same. This site has been brilliant for me. keep posting. It is soooo good to know you are not alone and there are people out there who know how you feel. And have been through the same things and are getting better. love Trace x

angel face
12-06-11, 14:17
:hugs:hello and welcome

yes this site is great,you meet people who have the same issues and we didnt realise it,it does help talkin,as youve stated,people who dont have depression do not really understand,everyone keep talkin,it really does matter:yesyes:
take care

12-06-11, 14:25
hi every one i am glad i found this sit it is really helping me and all i have to do is find a way of starting a new post so i can get some answers (maybe)

12-06-11, 20:30
Hi to everybody. I am new to the site and have been viewing it for over four weeks eversince I started taking Citalopram on 11 May 11 for depression and anxiety. I decided it would a good idea to join so I can chat to other people who are suffering and get some advice about how to beat this. My wife helps me but does not realy understand what is going on.

12-06-11, 20:38
Hi Johno!

I am new too. I like it already, reading all the stories has made me feel that I am really not alone in this fight, and neither are you! I hope you find a way to overcome your issues!
Take Care! x

~glowly worm~
12-06-11, 22:28
steven, unless u havent already please do post im sure someone can help or if not signpost you to someone else who might :)

and welcome johno & eva :)