View Full Version : Muscle Twitch Really scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-06-11, 17:27
i have had an on off brain tumor anixety stemming from constant headaches last year that have now and gone, and have been gone for some time.
But recently i began to get muscle twitches, this has come in line with a new bout of anxiety but i dont know whether these twitches could be brain tumour seziures!!!!!!!!!!!
im really scared, please help me.

10-06-11, 18:00
hello :)

honestly muscle twitches are classic anxiety symptoms .....dont worry any more

brain tumours dont present with this ...you are fine .
get them myself and ignore them now .
anxiety mimics so many awful illnesses ...........understand totally your fear ....but relax if you can eh? xxx

10-06-11, 18:39
I had this too, it's horrible. In the end I decided to have an MRI and see a neurologist, all a waste of money, it was just anxiety! I went from having an eye twitch to twitching all over. Brain tumours do not start with twitching. It is easy for me to say do not worry as I know what I was like with the twitching, it scared me. Worrying only makes it all worse, the same with any anxiety symptom. I learn the hard way all the time! I worry, google, worry bit more, get bit worse, google, vicious circle. Try think that the twitch will pass, it will. Mine lasted a good while, 3 or so months and sometimes come back for a few days. When it comes back I just tell me self it's just another symptom of the dreaded anxiety and try my best to put it out of my mind. If you want to ask me any other questions about this, feel free. All the very best.:)