View Full Version : Hellooo everyone!

10-06-11, 17:40
I'm Charlotte, I'm 19 and I'm English. I've been an anxious sort of person for my entire life but over the past month or so it's been hellish. I'm on day 9 of citalopram - day 2 of 20mg - and I'm terribly impatient for it to start working.

I like cats, Harry Potter, tumblr, writing, art, painting, drawing... all that stuff. I'm not in university because my anxiety was too bad at that time, and I finished my A levels last year.

I'm depressed/anxious and most of the time I just lie on my bed, hhaha. Oh the joys of being unemployed and not in school. But I am in therapy now, and on the drugs, so I am hopeful.

10-06-11, 17:43
Hi Mezzo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-06-11, 18:02
thank you so much :)

10-06-11, 22:54
Welcome to NMP :) Have fun, don't be afraid to say how you feel. We are all one big *anxious* family. Oh and BTW, I'm 16. Don't get me wrong, anxiety is horrible for EVERYONE but I think it's very stressful in your teen years! :( .. PM me if you need to talk :) Rafaela xx.

11-06-11, 14:44
Thank you :) Same to you if you ever want to talk x