View Full Version : Blood pressure - hypertension?

10-06-11, 21:10
I've had my blood pressure taken over a period of 3-4 months a few times by my GP and at hospital and keep coming out with high results. Today is 152/90 - that's high, right? I'm absolutely terrified, my GP said she promises nothing bad will happen but she's taking it again in August over a period of half an hour - and then if it doesn't come down I have to get a 24 hr monitor? I'm really frightened - I thought I had gotten control of my anxiety but it seems not. Does anyone have any experience of this? Don't know what to do til August!

10-06-11, 21:17
Hi, Have you tried a home blood pressure monitor? The reason I ask is that you may just be giving high readings after getting tense about having to go and get your blood pressure taken at the doctors office? These monitors can give you a reading at various times of the day and by using one, you would find out how variable your blood pressure actually is when you are at home.

10-06-11, 21:59
Hi daisycake,

You likely have white coat syndrome, just the sight of the GP surgery can push peoples blood pressure up. Don't worry about a 24 hour monitor, it is just much more realistic as it takes frequent readings on your 'normal' day without the stress of going to the GP's. A colleague of mine wore a 24 hour BP monitor into work the other day with no problems. x

11-06-11, 12:25
mine was 105/179 when i tested at home with a serious hangover which lasted like a week...freaked me out bigtime

11-06-11, 12:29
My surgery had a "loan" blood pressure monitor which I borrowed for a week a few years ago and since then I bought my own. There is a Blood Pressure Association - see link

The website gives you a lot of useful information.

This morning I went to my surgery for a check up - nurse took my blood pressure which was 150/95 yet at home earlier it had been 120/84!

I think the advice given is to take your blood pressure at the same time each day to get a consistent read out. There are full details of how to take BP on the website.

HOWEVER, do not get paranoid about measuring BP! Cos that only puts it up Lol

11-06-11, 12:48
Additional useful blood pressure monitoring link


11-06-11, 14:33
If I take my blood presure when I am anxious it can go above 150/95 and sometime 160/100 but when my anxiety has subsided it will go back to 120/76 and pulse 64.
Also it is also white syndrome when you go to the doctors because you get yourself worked up.
Sometimes it is not advisable to have a home monitor because us anxiety sufferers keep taking our blood presure and that even makes you more anxious.


11-06-11, 16:27
Hi a few times i had my bp done by docs when i was having a panic attack it was 189/123 it came down once id calmed down.But my doctor cant ever get a normal reading from me as it just goes up once he starts taking it .So i have one at home and funny thing is when i first take it myself its high as i worry thats its going to be high but after the third try its totally normal once ive calmed down.Blood pressure can go up and down all day ,its when it stays very high all day and dosent come down then it could mean it needs checked.kind regards molly

11-06-11, 22:28
If I take my blood presure when I am anxious it can go above 150/95 and sometime 160/100 but when my anxiety has subsided it will go back to 120/76 and pulse 64.
Also it is also white syndrome when you go to the doctors because you get yourself worked up.
Sometimes it is not advisable to have a home monitor because us anxiety sufferers keep taking our blood presure and that even makes you more anxious.

no I cant take it at home full stop I am fed up of this anxiety over bloody bp mine is ok but i am still worrying about it when i have to go get it done in 12 months its a joke I just need to relax easier said than done. I do feel this site is helping me. Hope i am using the site correctly as replying or putting a message on is baffeling for me lol Cathycrumble xx

11-06-11, 22:37
I need tips on how to relax while having my bp taken at doctors? Please dont tell me to do it at home as i am too anxious even then lol I did manage to have it done at docs surgury by male nurse and it was fine but before i went i was in a a bit of a panic and had to ring my councilor. However I was on citalipram then. I have been on them since september 2010 and i came off them 4weeks ago as thought i could cope but my fears have come back or is it withdrawals ? Not sure. any help would be appriciated.

Cathycrumble xx